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Password for Bastard of Camelot’s latest demo update (09/29): BetaBoc368

What's new?

-The introduction of Mordred's dragon friend, re-written and extended

-The dragon archetype choice implemented, mostly reflected in said introduction. The other dragon scenes aren't broken, but they haven't been updated yet.

-An adjustment made to the dragon lore, dragons can communicate between each other with telepathy, but they need permission to enter each other's minds. In contrast, dragonbloods can go in without permission. This is mentioned in Chapter 1, when meeting Scaly.

-General typos fixed.
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Path Of Martial Arts
size: 600k -> 641k
small Ruo event (3.7k)
small haunting/fan club event (2.5k)
chao events (10k)
Mo Long event (10k)
Dreamweaver event (14k)
One new POV (Ruo);
Kindle cameo (coming tomorrow).

Qi no longer's used for body refinining. Instead, every 5 qi gained, you get 1 'Refinement Point' (yes, I know, I have the greatest name sense) that can be used for the same purposes. While this doesn't address the problem of qi moves feeling not as 'impactful' (which I can't solve without doing a rewrite for now), you're no longer forced between choosing qi moves in fights / character progression.

Ruo's POV is about
when they go to see you training after they discover MC heritage

pov version password: many_lore
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Well-known member
Virtue's End update:

Included is:
â—Ź Penrose's full 'caravan' conversation.
â—Ź I've also added the option to choose your character's conviction to chapter one (after the scene in which you choose your character's appearance).
â—Ź Additionally, if you were on Shea's platonic route, you can now choose whether your character might be developing feelings of the romantic/lustful variety after all during your panic-induced embrace at the inn.

Because I added a stat retroactively, I do recommend restarting/replaying the game fully.


Well-known member
Anyone have new Golden Rose sneak peek?

I'm dying of curiosity lol
"What could this be about?🤔
Convoluted emotions swirl in the hurricane of your scattered thoughts, but you stand at the center of it, in the Eye of the storm, and your head has never been clearer.

1) Hot, sizzling, boiling anger explodes within you.

2) Laughter bubbles up your throat.

3) A cold shiver crawls down your back. Fear.

4) All you feel is relief. You were right. There is something about Vallen."