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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


New member
I sincerely doubt that she really died, I think a coma or crippling is more likely. But I can't deny that it would be interesting. Imagine, if the MC really liked her and then really lost her all of a sudden, he'd be put in a similar situation to Tang Wei, “losing his beloved because he was unable to protect her”. Done, now the MC has the unshakeable will that Dreamweaver said he lacked.
This plot remind me of TBATE manhwa, would be interesting in IF.
If it really happenned the mc will go berserk


Well-known member
I knew It!!!! This was a non agressive takeover, still in doubt if the dead is chao but If it is at least he tried making peace with wu heir before dying (in my case he succeded).


Well-known member
But what's the motive to kill chao tho? The way the sneak peek is written, the rogues got something to do with it. YB is here so he's probably involved too. And what would be YB's motive to support the rogues?


Well-known member
But what's the motive to kill chao tho? The way the sneak peek is written, the rogues got something to do with it. YB is here so he's probably involved too. And what would be YB's motive to support the rogues?
Most of this is background info and inferences from the short stories but basically:

- Chao was receiving letters from Grandpa about sending Wu heir back and siding with the rogues, he refused them all
- Yang Bohai and the sect more generally are doing something wrong that Chu Aiguo was opposing, hence why he was accused of corruption and expelled
- The Rogues seem to have been supporting the Peak Houtian rebels in the Wu Clan rebel mission, if you ever get to interrogate the rebel lady
- The Yang Clan section in the library book say they were once staunch royalists but turned ambitious more recently


Well-known member
But what's the motive to kill chao tho? The way the sneak peek is written, the rogues got something to do with it. YB is here so he's probably involved too. And what would be YB's motive to support the rogues?
Bohai is probably in It for qi and the possibility of future without the tangs rule.


a lot of stuff has been going on but there's one thing we can all agree on:

suffering is Tang Wei's canon events, and so do ours
as we are his reincarnation (and posses the heavenly chaos origin), we, too, are bound to suffer
and what happens to tang wei? he becomes a god
"Fear the man who has nothing to lose, for he who loves nothing, therefore fears nothing"

Guess we becoming a true god now