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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
idk, there's zero context on what that scene is. could be one of the elders in the earlier sneak peek.
Idk the font seems the same of when you have the choice of giving in to rage or resisting it, not the one that the mc devil uses, and its a she instead of he from the elders, i really cant think of many female powerplayers...

The griefing seems to imply something really bad


Well-known member
Idk the font seems the same of when you have the choice of giving in to rage or resisting it, not the one that the mc devil uses, and its a she instead of he from the elders, i really cant think of many female powerplayers...

The griefing seems to imply something really bad
Idk what giving in to rage scene you're talking about, the font is similar enough to the devil and the all consuming rage tracks with that as well.

It's mainly the grieving bit that's interesting but again we have zero context on anything. Could be Chao died, could be something about Aunt, could be our cousins, could be one of the MC's friends on the sect. Who knows?


Well-known member
Idk what giving in to rage scene you're talking about, the font is similar enough to the devil and the all consuming rage tracks with that as well.

It's mainly the grieving bit that's interesting but again we have zero context on anything. Could be Chao died, could be something about Aunt, could be our cousins, could be one of the MC's friends on the sect. Who knows?
Yeah Sorry If im being obnoxious, i consumed triple of the normal consumption of coffe after a long time without It, im a little rushed, but im talking about the 13/2 sneak post, It has more similarities than when the demon talks about the elders on 17/2 sneak post.

It seems like instead of developing our demon on the free for all in this route youre doing It after coming back to the sect


Well-known member
Yeah Sorry If im being obnoxious, i consumed triple of the normal consumption of coffe after a long time without It, im a little rushed, but im talking about the 13/2 sneak post, It has more similarities than when the demon talks about the elders on 17/2 sneak post.

It seems like instead of developing our demon on the free for all in this route youre doing It after coming back to the sect
We've seen the same strikethrough-y font in the Demon Execution Squad fight when the devil awakens, the normal bold font in the 17/2 post is prob a mistake by niki.
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Well-known member
Funny of you to say that because i killed both the liu and shadow guy in my good & devious play, us both would probably go alone, but hey im not complaining, winning a 3v3 tournament solo is a strong feat for MC.
That defeats the purpose of 3vs3 tournament I believe it will be mandatory when it comes. I can see it playing out different ways, Mc and others doing their own thing, we probably will get some solo MC action too.


Well-known member
Idk what giving in to rage scene you're talking about, the font is similar enough to the devil and the all consuming rage tracks with that as well.

It's mainly the grieving bit that's interesting but again we have zero context on anything. Could be Chao died, could be something about Aunt, could be our cousins, could be one of the MC's friends on the sect. Who knows?
It seems to follow crashing out for Ai if you choose to get the truth out about what happened to her


Well-known member
Actually, there is a dialogue option with Mei in one of the latest sneak peeks that says something like "A devil? Is that why I almost...".

Maybe the cause of the grieving here is actually crashout MC killing someone close (Mei?) then getting gaslighted by the devil. We've seen the inner devil erasing memories before.



Well-known member
Pity glances, cruel mockery, "you should have choosen a studier peasant", "the ***** already lasted longer than expected", griefing....
i think ai is dead
I sincerely doubt that she really died, I think a coma or crippling is more likely. But I can't deny that it would be interesting. Imagine, if the MC really liked her and then really lost her all of a sudden, he'd be put in a similar situation to Tang Wei, “losing his beloved because he was unable to protect her”. Done, now the MC has the unshakeable will that Dreamweaver said he lacked.


Well-known member
And sad as hell too 😔

MC couldn't do anything to stop it.

It's kind of controversial yes...but this could actually become a pretty interesting decision if it actually gets written well/has a really good execution.

But well! I doubt she died
This also made me view the devil in the sneak peek in a new light.

Remember that in another sneak peek Mei is talking about how devils have different temperaments? How some hate their hosts to a fault and others want to help them? And how some devils are straightforward while others are more subtle and manipulative?

Well, what if that is determined by alignment? Like what if the devil talking to good MC (in Ai's route) is genuinely trying to help him uncover the truth?

or maybe i'm reading too much into it lmao