Its so funny. I just reread POMA for the first time. Im not done yet, right now at the start of the tourney. The way everything seems to shape up, its clear MC is very important to either side if we choose to side with them. Take the Empire and the Rogues as the two sides of a balance scale. There is enough weight on both sides that it doesnt tip one way or another. But MC is the ultimate weight. Whichever side we choose will ultimately be victorious if we dont play the game like a bum. Ofc we can also choose to just crush the scale in the future but that is going to be hella difficult.
Tang Yichen wants you with Ruo. Lady Butterfly who's most probably Shen Long Mu planning to cultivate MC's world, wants you to side with her and remove Tang Wei's arrays. Both sides wants to manipulate and use the MC. And guess what? On top of all that MC is truly alone. Wu Heir has no proper guidance in the grand scheme of things. Yes the dreamweaver gave us memories of Tang Wei but will it be insightful? We literally cant trust anyone powerful enough. We only have riddles and narrow advices from some people. Chao tries his best to advice MC but he knows almost nothing compared to the big powerhouses. What about Yang Chen you say? That guy speaks in riddles and assures us he doesnt mean ill which doesnt help us in the slightest bit.
Ruo has been brainwashed since childhood as Yichen wanted. Bastard had and still has everything handed to him on a silver platter. Heavens literally kiss his ***. As such his loyalty is evident. He plays only for one side atm and probably to the end. His only care is his rise to power and how glorious it is. He has multiple Shangtains at his side with immense knowledge and resources. The Rogues have multiple Shangtains, immense knowledge directly from Lady Butterfly whos basically a psuedo god, resources, and ofc generational brainwashing. If we were given to our Grandpa when born, we would for sure have been the "Celestial Heir" of the Rogues, brainwashed like Ruo and in the future probably battling him for ultimate supremacy. But we are not thanks to our family. Chao may have been a bum but man is smart af. No wonder he was a prodigy.
Now compared to them, what do we have? A declining clan which in no way can be compared to either the Rogues or the Tangs, a neglectful father whos trying to repent, a loving Aunt who saved our life by sacrificing herself, a scornful Uncle who thinks we made everyone important to him miserable, ffs we did not even have the memories and guidance Tang Wei gave to Long Chen and the Mistress since birth. Imagine if we had such guidance especially with our physique. We would have had no match relatively.
Despite that, we're still strong, way strong than you would expect. We can reach Houtain in record time, and most probably Xiantain in the future too. Despite being in coma for 2.5 years, we most likely are close to the top 5 PHs towards the end of the update. It took us '6 months' to reach the level Ruo had reached in 2.5 years. Who knows, we might even reach the top. Its clear MC is literally 'him' in the larger picture. We're literally brute forcing against the heavens and all our adversaries. We're literally saying "Nah, I'd Win" and are actually winning. We are fated to have the opposite karma to that of Ruo. If Ruo is the child loved by the Heavens, we're the child hated by the Heavens. So I'm kinda embarresed of all the time I've called MC a fraud. Its true that Niki favours Ruo but imo he favours Wu Heir equally, if not more. If he didnt, we couldnt even be comparable to Ruo considering all the disadvantages we have.
I can understand why we are finding faults every update. We are so disconnected from the rest of the story. Overtime our knowledge becomes muddled and we become short sighted during updates. Its amazing to see Niki keep his senses when theres so much lore exposition and power scaling to moniter. Im honestly scared he'll lose his interest and eventualy dumb down on everything like manga authors who get tired of their stories.
Despite all that i have so many questions and stuff i wanna talk about in regards to the lore and the story since i have a more clearer picture now. A few come to mind intantly but ill wait to talk about them. The rant ive written is too big already.