I just wanna begin by saying: no shade to A, they're my bestie <3 but oh my god i was already having second thoughts about continuing that savefile on their route, but remembering the drama after
The Kiss™ just

nah im good. But i don't believe that A is inherently a bad route?? i mean it's delivering exactly what it promised, a slow burn with an emotionally constipated 1000 year old vampire

and considering how popular their route is?
if you're not into that tho, of course ur gonna avoid it like the plague, like me
Who i DO have strong feelings about is Rebecca

like i can't stand her ok? And the Author practically doing gymnastics to try and make us feel bad about her is not helping lmao having UB meddle and try to tell the detective how to feel about Rebecca? The quilt tripping when choosing to be distant towards her? C'mon. All that just makes me dislike her more ngl
So yeh that about covers it lol besides the latest books problem with its villains and Rebecca, i LOVE wayhaven and its characters and can't wait for book 4 <3
literally this. You actually lose points with Nate if you tell him to mind your business, and I still do it every time lol. Those assholes think they can just enter my life, just like that, and then they have the audacity to try to TEACH ME to be nice to my ***** momma, knowing NOTHING about my situation, just judging because she's nice to THEM so it's 10000% obvious she's nice to me.
Honestly, the whole Wayhaven is 'off'. I like the romance, it's the reason I bought only the first book of WC, but all the rest... The MC always being a Mary Sue that cannot ever stand up for themselves, all those goody shoes vampires... This is just romance Harry Potter, where every book looked the same, you kill the big bad guy in the end and are a hero, but Wayhaven is "you kill the big bad guy in the end and are a victim/that prized possession everyone wants to have". Although the HP didn't have an illusion of choice. It's so cheesy, but I still like it. 6,5/10 rate.
What stories left me disappointed? There must be the Keeper of Thing and a Thing here. I really dislike that story, it's entirely off. The MC is weak as always, also cannot stand for themselves, the romances are really boring - I chose Yakov, he's... ok [he's ok because I also played the Leon route and it was way worse

))] but there's almost nothing. You know, he just fell in love with me, we hadn't even had to talk lol. I feel like there was some ChatGPT involved, but there was no ChatGPT before the release.
The Golden Rose is also a one whole prologue, where nothing happens. I played the second part demo that was posted on here, and I was mildly surprised when I've found out there were any choices that seemed meaningful to the story, as I recalled none. You go there, see that, some reconnaissance, and I've felt like it lasted maybe 3 days. The author writes very well, the story is nice, but she could at least show us all the romance options. That Rafael thing was just "hi, that is Rafael, goodbye".
Fields of Asphodel, of course, that feels like 2020's teen novel, not actually something about Greek gods. The Percy Jackson books were more ambitious, interesting, more idk lore-following than this. The Greek god telling me his pronouns while meeting him was the cherry on top. Also the story is very one-dimensional? The big, bad guy is Zeus, and the rest are great, very nice, very fluffy and cosy people, that I don't care for. Also the romance? What romance? You can only hold hands with Hades, and THAT'S IT. I was waiting for the action to start, and then the book hit me with "Well, the sequel is going to be soon

more romance there

Blood Moon. I chose Sergei or someone, a male I guess. I don't know who he was. There was no introductions, I don't know if I was supposed to know them or what. I just got the *** scene. Very boring.
Sword of Rhivenia was ok, but it was written very incoherently and weirdly. It's not how it should be written. I know the author isn't an English native, but still, it was a hard read. I'm also not a native, but I would try to make longer phrases than very short ones.
That one game about pirates: Pirate's pleasure, I guess? It was so, so bad. i just met the two men and I needed to decide which one I want for the rest of the game like, immediately after seeing them for the first time lol. This caused my "all heart's choice games are lame" mindset.