When I first played this game I was intrigued by the potential of the history, but it quickly lost its glamour once I figured I had to be in par with the author linear vision of right and wrong or else I won't have the necessary points to be with my chosen RO or start an important conversation or worse (being unable to kiss R hand), that being said I am not crazy enough to romance that walking nuclear fallout called X and
About the X controversy, I have been following the author on Tumblr for a while now and noticed how out of character for an author is the response given to the readers, the gaslighting can vary from "why are you feeling this lol you are so weird" to blaming the reader of having insecurity issues unfortunately I have seen many times that type of response from other authors and I believe if you feel the need to gaslight a person saying how they feel after reading your work or even a criticism it's you that should change not the reader (sometimes people feel things different from the others) that tactic is used a lot, gaslighting in order to emotionally elevate the conversation making the other side appear less reasonable, you are not creating an agreeable or compelling narrative you are just making the reader look ridiculous and not contributing to the desired change of perspective.
Anyway, it's a good way to know who I should and shouldn't put my money and time on