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Stories that left you disappointed for a reason


Well-known member
Love and leases.

It's fairly new. The demo just dropped recently. Check it out if you're interested. You have probably heard of it, if you're around tumblr a lot. You catch your fiancè and sister cheating on you on your anniversary. You lose your apartment and dog both because of them and are currently living with your best friend.

On to ranting.
The story was good. The premise is good. But some of the dialogues were so cringe worthy I had to close the tab and walk away from my laptop. Especially the bold flirting options. Why isn't there a single bold option that is not suggestive? I don't mind innuendo but in this IF it was straight up unbearable because of how poorly written it was. I am baffled to see that it's so popular but i suppose, to each his own. I came expecting something similar to apt-502 but man.... wth. Lol.
Tbh I dislike it because of the lack of choices, when it haves it's just some choices to define your flirting style


Well-known member
Love and leases.

It's fairly new. The demo just dropped recently. Check it out if you're interested. You have probably heard of it, if you're around tumblr a lot. You catch your fiancè and sister cheating on you on your anniversary. You lose your apartment and dog both because of them and are currently living with your best friend.

On to ranting.
The story was good. The premise is good. But some of the dialogues were so cringe worthy I had to close the tab and walk away from my laptop. Especially the bold flirting options. Why isn't there a single bold option that is not suggestive? I don't mind innuendo but in this IF it was straight up unbearable because of how poorly written it was. I am baffled to see that it's so popular but i suppose, to each his own. I came expecting something similar to apt-502 but man.... wth. Lol.
Tbh, it seems like a story written for a female MC. The MC acts like a teenage girl, everyone treats MC like a girl especially Cam. As a straight guy, you can be sure that I will be creeped out by the way Cam acts. If I ever find out my best friend was lusting over me online I wont be able to see that guy the same way anymore (not in a good way). Now its an entirely different story when that person is someone you could potentially be interested in romantically and sexually. Therefore, it would have been better to make Cam gender selectable since that way the author could check off a common trope for all readers and that it wouldn't creep out a part of the readers and cater more interest to the game through the character (who is obviously very popular according to the author's tumblr).

I'm not a fan of the writing. As you said, the dialogues are nowhere good enough to express the mood some MC's might want to convey. I just cant find immersion anywhere in the demo. Tbh I read the demo completely and the only things that stayed with me are the negetives. That should say something. This is also the reason why I didnt send an ask for the Cam situation I mentioned. Since I cant find myself enjoying the story and there's the possiblity the author might not take well to my criticisms, I just decided not to care about it. Maybe I'll send an ask about this one of these days.


Well-known member
As a straight guy, you can be sure that I will be creeped out by the way Cam acts. If I ever find out my best friend was lusting over me online I wont be able to see that guy the same way anymore (not in a good way). Now its an entirely different story when that person is someone you could potentially be interested in romantically and sexually. Therefore, it would have been better to make Cam gender selectable since that way the author could check off a common trope for all readers and that it wouldn't creep out a part of the readers and cater more interest to the game through the character (who is obviously very popular according to the author's tumblr).
Ahhh I didn't get that far in the first place because I just couldn't tolerate it anymore lololol.

but maybe the author's reasoning behind not making Cam gender selectable was wanting to put the player in an awkward situation to add drama? You know, feelings are not something anyone can control so perhaps she wanted to add some realism. I see nothing wrong with it AS LONG AS she gives the player the choice to react negatively to cam's crush or set boundaries.


Well-known member
Ahhh I didn't get that far in the first place because I just couldn't tolerate it anymore lololol.

but maybe the author's reasoning behind not making Cam gender selectable was wanting to put the player in an awkward situation to add drama? You know, feelings are not something anyone can control so perhaps she wanted to add some realism. I see nothing wrong with it AS LONG AS she gives the player the choice to react negatively to cam's crush or set boundaries.
No need for more drama in a story where you left your ex (selectable) for another ex and then that another ex cheated on you with your sister. I'm not a fan of stories forcing you into certain situations without giving you any agency. That's why I stopped reading 'Crown of Ashes and Flames'. Seemed like a story for masochists. There are these stories that railroads you into unpleasant environments and expects you to make friends and find love. I keep reading them expecting at some time it will pay off but no. Even 'The Exile' has moments like this but those moments are written well and is balanced well with the narrative.
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Well-known member
When I first played this game I was intrigued by the potential of the history, but it quickly lost its glamour once I figured I had to be in par with the author linear vision of right and wrong or else I won't have the necessary points to be with my chosen RO or start an important conversation or worse (being unable to kiss R hand), that being said I am not crazy enough to romance that walking nuclear fallout called X and
About the X controversy, I have been following the author on Tumblr for a while now and noticed how out of character for an author is the response given to the readers, the gaslighting can vary from "why are you feeling this lol you are so weird" to blaming the reader of having insecurity issues unfortunately I have seen many times that type of response from other authors and I believe if you feel the need to gaslight a person saying how they feel after reading your work or even a criticism it's you that should change not the reader (sometimes people feel things different from the others) that tactic is used a lot, gaslighting in order to emotionally elevate the conversation making the other side appear less reasonable, you are not creating an agreeable or compelling narrative you are just making the reader look ridiculous and not contributing to the desired change of perspective.

Anyway, it's a good way to know who I should and shouldn't put my money and time on


Active member
No need for more drama in a story where you left your ex (selectable) for another ex and then that another ex cheated on you with your sister. I'm not a fan of stories forcing you into certain situations without giving you any agency. That's why I stopped reading 'Crown of Ashes and Flames'. Seemed like a story for masochists. There are these stories that railroads you into unpleasant environments and expects you to make friends and find love. I keep reading them expecting at some time it will pay off but no. Even 'The Exile' has moments like this but those moments are written well and is balanced well with the narrative.
As a masochist, 'A Crown of Ashes and Flames' isn't even for me. The entire story just seems geared towards the hate everyone (except your chosen LI) and take revenge route that even trying to be otherwise is completely unfulfilling and boring.

At first I thought it had potential but this recent update really solified the feeling of not really having a choice.


Well-known member
When I first played this game I was intrigued by the potential of the history, but it quickly lost its glamour once I figured I had to be in par with the author linear vision of right and wrong or else I won't have the necessary points to be with my chosen RO or start an important conversation or worse (being unable to kiss R hand), that being said I am not crazy enough to romance that walking nuclear fallout called X and
About the X controversy, I have been following the author on Tumblr for a while now and noticed how out of character for an author is the response given to the readers, the gaslighting can vary from "why are you feeling this lol you are so weird" to blaming the reader of having insecurity issues unfortunately I have seen many times that type of response from other authors and I believe if you feel the need to gaslight a person saying how they feel after reading your work or even a criticism it's you that should change not the reader (sometimes people feel things different from the others) that tactic is used a lot, gaslighting in order to emotionally elevate the conversation making the other side appear less reasonable, you are not creating an agreeable or compelling narrative you are just making the reader look ridiculous and not contributing to the desired change of perspective.

Anyway, it's a good way to know who I should and shouldn't put my money and time on
Seems like a twine author thing tbh, because the night market author does the same thing when readers don’t like certain things.


Active member
Has anyone read The In-Between? To be honest it is rather confusing, and the style? formatting? bothers me. I also hate that there are 2 important characters with the same name. It makes it impossible to keep track of who is who.
Oh yes. I also don't like that the narrative often just repeats the text from the choice options. The dialogue also confuses me like I can't keep track of who says what


Alright, I just read everything and... yeah nothing much happens. Lots of screen time for characters I don't give a crap about (legit don't care about any of the friends and their drama). Like for a game that says its "romantic" it sure spends a lot of time on the romances between other characters I don't even care about (**** you Chira and Ale), MC isn't that interesting although I am a bit curious about their background as a...hacker??

The only person I care about slightly is the little sibling but yeah that doesn't make up for the rest.

kecap asin

Well-known member
Has anyone read The In-Between? To be honest it is rather confusing, and the style? formatting? bothers me. I also hate that there are 2 important characters with the same name. It makes it impossible to keep track of who is who.
True. The naration kept switching up in between (heh) character. And when it switch up, there is no warning except an 'eye' symbol. And even then it's not always clear who pov is this.

You can name the two Ales tho. Ale 1 and Ale 2. Although sometimes the author just say the name Ale without any indication and yeah it is confusing.

I kinda okay with the author previous work tho. Not sure why this one is so damn frustating to even read.

kecap asin

Well-known member
Alright, I just read everything and... yeah nothing much happens. Lots of screen time for characters I don't give a crap about (legit don't care about any of the friends and their drama). Like for a game that says its "romantic" it sure spends a lot of time on the romances between other characters I don't even care about (**** you Chira and Ale), MC isn't that interesting although I am a bit curious about their background as a...hacker??

The only person I care about slightly is the little sibling but yeah that doesn't make up for the rest.
Is it just me or do I get the vibe that Chira will date one of Ale?
Idk why there is a relationship mater with Chira and the two Ales.


Active member
Alright, I just read everything and... yeah nothing much happens. Lots of screen time for characters I don't give a crap about (legit don't care about any of the friends and their drama). Like for a game that says its "romantic" it sure spends a lot of time on the romances between other characters I don't even care about (**** you Chira and Ale), MC isn't that interesting although I am a bit curious about their background as a...hacker??

The only person I care about slightly is the little sibling but yeah that doesn't make up for the rest.
Knowing the other work this author has done, I honestly don't have high hopes for this game


Active member
Has anyone read The In-Between? To be honest it is rather confusing, and the style? formatting? bothers me. I also hate that there are 2 important characters with the same name. It makes it impossible to keep track of who is who.
The narrative might be confusing because the game was originally written in Italian, truly is the only reason I can think of because the author other WIP "After Dark" reads just fine, it's a bit bland but easy to understand at least (I haven't read A Long Weekend but the few people that read it in the COG forum seem to like it) also the author describes the book as more of a novel than a game. This one is just frustrating, the plot sounds interesting but we are already on chapter 9? I think? (granted the chapters are very short but still) and nothing has happened, like absolutely nothing, so many POV switches are just unnecessary like I do not need to know about Ale 1 date or how Chiara feels when her ex calls her, why does this matter? why do I need to know this?. The MC hasn't even flirted once in the story and this is supposedly a romance, and we are now, 9 chapters in, getting started on the main plot, just weird writting decisions all around.


I do not need to know about Ale 1 date or how Chiara feels when her ex calls her, why does this matter? why do I need to know this?. The MC hasn't even flirted once in the story and this is supposedly a romance, and we are now, 9 chapters in,
Yeah, this is how I feel about. Lots of romance for the side characters and no one for MC. I don't even know who are the ros. Please tell me it isn't evil Ale.

Overall, I don't think the story is for me.

kecap asin

Well-known member
how Chiara feels when her ex calls her
In MC point of view, they rarely seen Chiara and good Ale in meaningful way?
So far, they just... chatted together during lesson, literally nothing make them stand out from the rest of npc. And when MC warn her about Evil Ale, she just... brush them off and kept lusting after Evil Ale.

I kept thinking how I rather play as Chiara (because she has more option and opportunities to flirt with both Ale), and also turn MC as romance option.

when I play as MC, I dont understand why we have to focusing so much on Chiara and good Ale. I get that they both RO. But make them stand out goddammit. Literally where is the connection between them and mc that makes them stand out?
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Active member
This one is just frustrating, the plot sounds interesting but we are already on chapter 9? I think? (granted the chapters are very short but still) and nothing has happened, like absolutely nothing, so many POV switches are just unnecessary like I do not need to know about Ale 1 date or how Chiara feels when her ex calls her, why does this matter? why do I need to know this?. The MC hasn't even flirted once in the story and this is supposedly a romance, and we are now, 9 chapters in, getting started on the main plot, just weird writting decisions all around.
I think the game's problem is because In Between is an interactive NOVEL. That's why we got shown other people's POV. And how we have less control for MC and the story. Because we are supposed to read the game like we read novel. And that's why is frustrating (at least to me), because even I feel a detachment towards my own MC, unlike other IFs. It's like I'm reading novel where I just read how the protagonist (MC) interact with others.

And for the long weekend, the game is so depressing, I don't recommend the game to people who have vulnerable mind... It's hard to get a 'good' ending. Even when I got it, I don't feel satisfied with the ending 😅...