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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
Does anyone knows how to port the saves? im having some problems (It keeps restarting when trying to load, maybe its the browser?) and dont want to start all over again.

Thanks in advance.
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Well-known member
Does anyone knows how to port the saves? im having some problems (It keeps restarting when trying to load, maybe its the browser?) and dont want to start all over again.

Thanks in advance.
Did you download a protected save? If so click upload save then at bottom of the page it should choose file, select your file and then press upload save again.


Well-known member
I'd love to see the POVs of the MC masters, especially Monkey God's, but I think we'll probably only get the POVs of the ROs or the MC Fan Club.
I actually had that thought of MCs masters only because not many ROs are around right now right? I think we’ll get a bunch of POV reactions since it’s the first time I have seen it named Povs and not just one person. You missed potentially the biggest name Chao potential reaction? Or maybe some will be saved for later rounds. I just want monkey god to see my void form


Well-known member
I want to see hao fan and the gang reaction, beted 10k on myself winning and the guy bought it, its good watching someone believe in wu heir for once, also want to see he gang shitting himself thinking we're on the hunt for his ***. (Ai, aiguo and chao povs are priority but i dont think we'see those)

I'd love to see the POVs of the MC masters, especially Monkey God's, but I think we'll probably only get the POVs of the ROs or the MC Fan Club.
I actually had that thought of MCs masters only because not many ROs are around right now right? I think we’ll get a bunch of POV reactions since it’s the first time I have seen it named Povs and not just one person. You missed potentially the biggest name Chao potential reaction? Or maybe some will be saved for later rounds. I just want monkey god to see my void form

Idk man there isnt many masters around either, chu aiguo is dead or imprisioned and ma rin disfigured.


Well-known member
I actually had that thought of MCs masters only because not many ROs are around right now right? I think we’ll get a bunch of POV reactions since it’s the first time I have seen it named Povs and not just one person. You missed potentially the biggest name Chao potential reaction? Or maybe some will be saved for later rounds. I just want monkey god to see my void form
Speaking of Void Form, I wonder if MG can do something similar. I mean, I know it won't be anything as "deep" or "true" as MC, after all he has no Dao, but the Xiantians and above have already shown themselves capable of using elements and the Void even without Arts and MG is so far the only powerhouse who has studied his source of power in depth and has never stopped studying and experimenting.


Well-known member
Speaking of Void Form, I wonder if MG can do something similar. I mean, I know it won't be anything as "deep" or "true" as MC, after all he has no Dao, but the Xiantians and above have already shown themselves capable of using elements and the Void even without Arts and MG is so far the only powerhouse who has studied his source of power in depth and has never stopped studying and experimenting.
Hm I wonder, probably not as deep he’d probably be so interested and hope we can evolve it. I the void and element form were very impressive to me. We are starting to see MC do things by instinct now. Speaking of MC we have to be the strongest or top 3-5 “Houtian” now right? We literally just packed up a bunch of peaks solo multiple times.


Well-known member
Hm I wonder, probably not as deep he’d probably be so interested and hope we can evolve it. I the void and element form were very impressive to me. We are starting to see MC do things by instinct now. Speaking of MC we have to be the strongest or top 3-5 “Houtian” now right? We literally just packed up a bunch of peaks solo multiple times.
Purely on a base stats, the MC is already unrivaled. The real problem is Arts that make opponents more powerful and equipment. But yes, I have no doubt that the current MC is already at the level of Chu Muchen (top 5), probably stronger. Maybe even on the level of Tang Bo or Blood Hunter (full power), but I don't dare to affirm that much.

Now it's up to the author to decide whether the game's mechanics, such as items, perks, tattoos or Asura, will be included in the calculation. If they do, I can say with certainty that even if Ruo advances to PH and transforms, he will be crushed, not just him, but anyone else. But I doubt this will really happen.


Well-known member
Purely on a base stats, the MC is already unrivaled. The real problem is Arts that make opponents more powerful and equipment. But yes, I have no doubt that the current MC is already at the level of Chu Muchen (top 5), probably stronger. Maybe even on the level of Tang Bo or Blood Hunter (full power), but I don't dare to affirm that much.

Now it's up to the author to decide whether the game's mechanics, such as items, perks, tattoos or Asura, will be included in the calculation. If they do, I can say with certainty that even if Ruo advances to PH and transforms, he will be crushed, not just him, but anyone else. But I doubt this will really happen.
I just don’t see MC losing a 1vs1 unless it’s a scripted loss. Seem like some talents are story related now too. I also think the heaven’s are about to give Ruo a power boost following what happened on the devil path. We better enjoy it while it lasts because once we advance we’ll be back on the bottom of totem pole. Plus idk how many “outworlders” there are in poma now and how strong they are, but they’ll have better Qi knowledge over MC imo. Idk if we are crushing Ruo since this next 1vs1 is most hyped for so long, he’ll have to make it interesting even if we realistically should crush him? Would be hilarious if it’s us toying with him this time referring to our first battle.


Well-known member
Purely on a base stats, the MC is already unrivaled. The real problem is Arts that make opponents more powerful and equipment. But yes, I have no doubt that the current MC is already at the level of Chu Muchen (top 5), probably stronger. Maybe even on the level of Tang Bo or Blood Hunter (full power), but I don't dare to affirm that much.

Now it's up to the author to decide whether the game's mechanics, such as items, perks, tattoos or Asura, will be included in the calculation. If they do, I can say with certainty that even if Ruo advances to PH and transforms, he will be crushed, not just him, but anyone else. But I doubt this will really happen.
We know that mc in the possessed state should already be stronger than everyone beside Ruo with "Hehe, and it's our Heavenly Ascension Sect that houses two of the most impressive ones! Our future is looking bright." and

"Indeed, indeed, Wu Shen, we underestimated you. Top ten? If you apply some effort, you could even win the tourney!" meaning he should be around the same level as Ruo is currently since he thinks we have a chance
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Well-known member
Perhaps they were referring to talent? Or maybe they think Ruo will really advance? Like, I know Ruo is impressive and all, but last time, it was clear that he was much weaker than Prince Song, who in turn was equal or inferior to Yang Gan, that should put Ruo's base stats, as LH, between 7.5k and 9k. Considering that he visibly doesn't like transforming, Ruo doesn't stand a chance against today's strongest PHs. I'm not diminishing him or anything, just making a logical analysis.

So, my guess is, Ruo plans to see how far he can go the way he is and when he can't anymore, he'll advance and secure the win, I think that's what the Elders have in mind.


Well-known member
Perhaps they were referring to talent? Or maybe they think Ruo will really advance? Like, I know Ruo is impressive and all, but last time, it was clear that he was much weaker than Prince Song, who in turn was equal or inferior to Yang Gan, that should put Ruo's base stats, as LH, between 7.5k and 9k. Considering that he visibly doesn't like transforming, Ruo doesn't stand a chance against today's strongest PHs. I'm not diminishing him or anything, just making a logical analysis.

So, my guess is, Ruo plans to see how far he can go the way he is and when he can't anymore, he'll advance and secure the win, I think that's what the Elders have in mind.
You are under the assumption that Ruo power is static so he didn't grew beyond the timeframe and

"As you ready to depart, a few people also give you their parting words. First, comes Tang Ruo. "End it fast." — he says — "We can then have a proper fight." No need to waste time on this trash." Wouldn't make sense according to your Ruo power levels and his plan as it would be a massive massive time waste
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Well-known member
Void or elemental form seems to be better than Asura. Time to change master.
Eh I still don’t think it’s the full capabilities of asura it was called best transformation for a reason. Idk I’ve never went YB route just not in my interest but just be patient with the asura