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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
You are under the assumption that Ruo power is static so he didn't grew beyond the timeframe and

"As you ready to depart, a few people also give you their parting words. First, comes Tang Ruo. "End it fast." — he says — "We can then have a proper fight." No need to waste time on this trash." Wouldn't make sense according to your Ruo power levels and plans as it would be a massive massive time waste
I'm not disregarding the fact that he's growing, but he can't have grown to the point where he's stronger than Yang Gan in such a short space of time. Look, it took him more than two and a half years to reach the power he had during the Rogue Hunt, and there he was still much weaker than Prince Song, no matter how much his growth is said to be "irrational", if we use him as a basis, the "unpredictable" becomes "predictable", so according to reasonable estimates, it is impossible for him in his base form to have already reached or surpassed Yang Gan or Prince Song.

If I as a reader am able to see it that way, the Elders as skeptical as ever must see it that way even more.

As for his speeches, I can only think of five characters he doesn't consider to be "trash", so his speeches don't mean much.

Again, I'm not diminishing him, he's invincible at his level and stronger than most of the elites at the next level, but there are simply people who are much stronger than the so-called elites, such as Yang Gan and Prince Song, Ruo at the lower stage is simply not strong enough.


Well-known member
I'm not disregarding the fact that he's growing, but he can't have grown to the point where he's stronger than Yang Gan in such a short space of time. Look, it took him more than two and a half years to reach the power he had during the Rogue Hunt, and there he was still much weaker than Prince Song, no matter how much his growth is said to be "irrational", if we use him as a basis, the "unpredictable" becomes "predictable", so according to reasonable estimates, it is impossible for him in his base form to have already reached or surpassed Yang Gan or Prince Song.

If I as a reader am able to see it that way, the Elders as skeptical as ever must see it that way even more.

As for his speeches, I can only think of five characters he doesn't consider to be "trash", so his speeches don't mean much.

Again, I'm not diminishing him, he's invincible at his level and stronger than most of the elites at the next level, but there are simply people who are much stronger than the so-called elites, such as Yang Gan and Prince Song, Ruo at the lower stage is simply not strong enough.
If we use that 2.5 years as a "basis" to predicably measure his growth then by b3 we will have such an enormous power gap between him and mc that it wouldn't even funny when we know that won't be the case.

The point of his words is that he plans to speed through the tourney as fast as possible which would include the 1 v 1 stage against people like Tang Bo since Ruo only care about us and our fight with him


Well-known member
I think you both are correct in a sense, Ruo power level doesn’t make sense tbh, a lot have been happening and guess Niki will pull some heaven’s enlightenment bs. Ruo is top 10 but he should not realistically close to top 5 which MC is. How strong is Ruo? Idk, but I’m expecting some bs explanation why he can hang with the MC in the 1vs1. The thing is MC by canon is not super stronger than Ruo story wise that’s what we have to take into account, he’ll always be a rival to MC even in late stages until we reach NS.


Well-known member
I think you both are correct in a sense, Ruo power level doesn’t make sense tbh, a lot have been happening and guess Niki will pull some heaven’s enlightenment bs. Ruo is top 10 but he should not realistically close to top 5 which MC is. How strong is Ruo? Idk, but I’m expecting some bs explanation why he can hang with the MC in the 1vs1. The thing is MC by canon is not super stronger than Ruo story wise that’s what we have to take into account, he’ll always be a rival to MC even in late stages until we reach NS.
Ehh I think the fight against Mogui would be far more easier if we were actually top 5 level


Well-known member
If we use that 2.5 years as a "basis" to predicably measure his growth then by b3 we will have such an enormous power gap between him and mc that it wouldn't even funny when we know that won't be the case.

The point of his words is that he plans to speed through the tourney as fast as possible which would include the 1 v 1 stage against people like Tang Bo since Ruo only care about us and our fight with him
Sorry, friend, but I think you're defending the wrong points.

You use a hypothetical argument to try to invalidate the logic of Ruo's growth, but that argument doesn't refute the original point, because it assumes that I said that Ruo's growth isn't enough, but I made it clear that he can advance when he decides to, securing victory. I used the facts established in history to suggest that Ruo's growth, while irrational, still has a measurable limit, that's all.

Then you change the subject to talk about Ruo's motivation, but without invalidating my previous arguments. What you said may well be true, but it doesn't rebut the original point, which was about Ruo's level of power compared to other very powerful characters like Yang Gan and Prince Song. Besides, as I said, Ruo's lines don't mean much, he's extremely arrogant, with a tendency to underestimate others and overestimate himself, more than once being proved wrong or contradicting himself.


Well-known member
Sorry, friend, but I think you're defending the wrong points.

You use a hypothetical argument to try to invalidate the logic of Ruo's growth, but that argument doesn't refute the original point, because it assumes that I said that Ruo's growth isn't enough, but I made it clear that he can advance when he decides to, securing victory. I used the facts established in history to suggest that Ruo's growth, while irrational, still has a measurable limit, that's all.

Then you change the subject to talk about Ruo's motivation, but without invalidating my previous arguments. What you said may well be true, but it doesn't rebut the original point, which was about Ruo's level of power compared to other very powerful characters like Yang Gan and Prince Song. Besides, as I said, Ruo's lines don't mean much, he's extremely arrogant, with a tendency to underestimate others and overestimate himself, more than once being proved wrong or contradicting himself.
I used it to invalidate your "Look, it took him more than two and a half years to reach the power he had during the Rogue Hunt, and there he was still much weaker than Prince Song, no matter how much his growth is said to be "irrational", if we use him as a basis, the "unpredictable" becomes "predictable" point.

I wasn't arguing that Ruo has no measurable limit. I would be saying he could be X or S level currently then but that you using the 2.5 years growth as "established history" and "reasonable estimate" to be good enough to predict that "there are simply people who are much stronger than the so-called elites, such as Yang Gan and Prince Song, Ruo at the lower stage is simply not strong enough" is inherently flawed given what we know

What the motivation thing is that it is a complete refute to "So, my guess is, Ruo plans to see how far he can go the way he is and when he can't anymore, he'll advance and secure the win, I think that's what the Elders have in mind.." which you said first
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Well-known member
I used it to invalidate your "Look, it took him more than two and a half years to reach the power he had during the Rogue Hunt, and there he was still much weaker than Prince Song, no matter how much his growth is said to be "irrational", if we use him as a basis, the "unpredictable" becomes "predictable" point.

I wasn't arguing that Ruo has no measurable limit. I would be saying he could be X or S level currently then but that you using the 2.5 years growth as "established history" and "reasonable estimate" to be good enough to predict that "there are simply people who are much stronger than the so-called elites, such as Yang Gan and Prince Song, Ruo at the lower stage is simply not strong enough" is inherently flawed given what we know

What the motivation thing is that it is a complete refute to "So, my guess is, Ruo plans to see how far he can go the way he is and when he can't anymore, he'll advance and secure the win, I think that's what the Elders have in mind.." which you said first
This time your arguments were better, but it doesn't refute me completely. Take a look:

You wrote "I used it to invalidate your [...] if we use him as a basis, the 'unpredictable' becomes 'predictable' point". Trying to attack the basis of my argument, saying that using Ruo's past growth to predict its current level is flawed, but you don't prove that it's flawed or how it's flawed, I based my estimate on concrete events in history, and you haven't demonstrated why those events wouldn't be valid as a reference. The two and a half years is a solid reference precisely because it's Ruo we're talking about, Hao Fan said that Ruo trained like a fanatic, non-stop during all this time, to the point where the Elders were worried. To expect that he would somehow manage to train even harder and achieve such explosive growth as to rival or surpass Yang Gan, while still being a LH, in a few months is not rational but an exaggerated estimate.

Then you wrote "I wasn't arguing that Ruo has no measurable limit. I would be saying he could be X or S level currently then...", but that doesn't answer the original question. I never said that you claimed that Ruo had no limit. The point was about what that limit would be based on the available data, and you have yet to prove that approach wrong.

Lastly, you wrote "What the motivation thing is that it is a complete refute to '[My theory]'..." Here you have a valid point, I assume you mean: "If Ruo really intends to advance quickly, this could contradict the idea that he is testing his limits before advancing". However, you still haven't proved my interpretation wrong. You've only claimed that Ruo's speeches indicate something different, but it can simply be argued that Ruo knows that he will only face mediocre or somewhat strong opponents in these early stages, in which case his current power is objectively sufficient. As for the later stages, there's no point in him saying that he'll finish quickly, because that depends more on the other participants than on him.


Well-known member
Update was actually really good
MC is not a fraud I guess

I'm really sad for Ai tho...she's always getting the short end of the stick.

Do you guys think that foul play was actually involved in her "death"?
Unless someone is heavily spying on us and managed to covincingly write a letter like Ai, I don't know how it could have happened. Besides if the tome had forbidden knowledge, how did Ai even managed to get it? And it's also suspicious that Xiwen happens to have a solution and want MC to pledge allegiance in return by apparently bringing Lady Butterfly into the Mortal World. Kinda has shades of what happened to Chao ngl.


Well-known member
Unless someone is heavily spying on us and managed to covincingly write a letter like Ai, I don't know how it could have happened. Besides if the tome had forbidden knowledge, how did Ai even managed to get it? And it's also suspicious that Xiwen happens to have a solution and want MC to pledge allegiance in return by apparently bringing Lady Butterfly into the Mortal World. Kinda has shades of what happened to Chao ngl.
Also all I have to say is we’ve seen fake letters written before and who do you think is capable of that, who also has connections to the rogues?


Well-known member
Update was actually really good
MC is not a fraud I guess

I'm really sad for Ai tho...she's always getting the short end of the stick.

Do you guys think that foul play was actually involved in her "death"?
For sure, suddently a book that promises asura levels of power appears on the sect? public part of the sect even, that **** is clear as day, my only doubt is who...