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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
Bizarre, the only real master you have is yang bohai, the only one who protects you, the only one that gave us real power, he made us fknn learnnnn heavenly asura transformation, thats absolutely crazy. (Also some guys commented here abt mg knowing abt dao, all the elders know about it, all of them)


Well-known member
Yeah even Aiguo fell off in this update Chad Bohai winning can't wait to get DQ's half of the transformation
Im starting to think being yb disciple is the only way to become prime disciple. That chad of a man is making us unstoppable. Like wtf does aiguo teaches us? Some water form? Fk that, or that mf old man? YB as master really make you feel like a train


Well-known member
Im starting to think being yb disciple is the only way to become prime disciple. That chad of a man is making us unstoppable. Like wtf does aiguo teaches us? Some water form? Fk that, or that mf old man? YB as master really make you feel like a train
Fr can't believe I used to be a Monkey God disciple lmao

Mr lol

Well-known member
I mean power wise Niki already confirmed that YB would be the best but if you want versatility u go Aiguo route (and now he got deposed) and if you love teleportation u go MG and I don't think all of the elder know Dao and probably only MG in the sect that know it.

Mr lol

Well-known member
That was known from the beginning that YB would be best master power wise, still gonna stick with MG hopefully I can learn monkey grab eventually which was called strongest skill
MG did teach you stuff in this update (yea unbelievable) dude actually guide us lol


Active member
Bizarre, the only real master you have is yang bohai, the only one who protects you, the only one that gave us real power, he made us fknn learnnnn heavenly asura transformation, thats absolutely crazy. (Also some guys commented here abt mg knowing abt dao, all the elders know about it, all of them)
bro is underrating mgs void teaching. that shii will most likely be more useful than yang bohais asura transformation imo. well until we get dqs portion back


Active member
I mean power wise Niki already confirmed that YB would be the best but if you want versatility u go Aiguo route (and now he got deposed) and if you love teleportation u go MG and I don't think all of the elder know Dao and probably only MG in the sect that know it.
already said all shangtians know abt qi,tho its likely no elder who isnt shangtian doesnt know


Well-known member
I mean power wise Niki already confirmed that YB would be the best but if you want versatility u go Aiguo route (and now he got deposed) and if you love teleportation u go MG and I don't think all of the elder know Dao and probably only MG in the sect that know it.
All the elders know, confirmed by yb


Well-known member
Also didn’t MG say they wouldn’t even understand it when talking about dao? Why would he say that if they all knew about it?