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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
story wise. it would be about 50 yrs cus of the lack of qi stones but yh it could probably be 5-10 yrs if our world had abundant qi
I doubt it very much.

The MC didn't have to kill much and absorb Qi in these months to already qualify as one of the strongest Houtians.

Let's assume that, even though the difficulty of advancing gradually increases, with each advance his strength grows exponentially, in which case killing will be easier and easier, the gains will be greater and greater, etc.

I believe that less than 20 years will be enough. The same goes for Ruo (I still don't know how), after all he is, narratively, the rival.

Not to mention that Tang Yichen is probably one of the "bosses" that the MC has to face, and the way the other characters describe him, as an old man on the verge of death, I don't believe he'll live another fifty years. (Just to be clear, this last paragraph is pure opinion, unlike the others, after all, I don't have many arguments to back it up)
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Mr lol

Well-known member
Yichen is possibly an opponent at the end of book 2 when MC just reach S he possibly will try to steal MC body or absorb it for Ruo


Active member
I doubt it very much.

The MC didn't have to kill much and absorb Qi in these months to already qualify as one of the strongest Houtians.

Let's assume that, even though the difficulty of advancing gradually increases, with each advance his strength grows exponentially, in which case killing will be easier and easier, the gains will be greater and greater, etc.

I believe that less than 20 years will be enough. The same goes for Ruo (I still don't know how), after all he is, narratively, the rival.

Not to mention that Tang Yichen is probably one of the "bosses" that the MC has to face, and the way the other characters describe him, as an old man on the verge of death, I don't believe he's older than fifty. (Just to be clear, this last paragraph is pure opinion, unlike the others, after all, I don't have many arguments to back it up)
yichen is over 500 yrs old lol. nearing 1000. sure hes at the point of death but this is a cultivation world and yrs pass in a blink so i wouldnt be surprised if hes still alive for the next 50-100 yrs. and i dont know if you havent read the tang ruo backstory but ruo says he will reach s in 70 yrs and his aunt dismisses it cus thats almost impossible. the average s reaches that level at the earliest 300 yrs which he bojing did. 50-70 yrs is already an absurd exaggeration in itself. and dont let the advancing to lh-ph in 4 months fool you,niki alr told me he did it for coming back to normal strength purposes. getting stones and good stones that bump you up a level will take time story wise. i wouldnt say that 20 yrs couldnt happen but from what we've seen so far and ruo making acheiving s in 70 yrs seem as an acheivement,seems to side more with my point of view


Well-known member
thats wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much of an high ball. me personally i think ss is behind the attacks ofc but mc is reaching shangtian earliest 50. if we somehow did in the next 20 yrs would be mindblowingly delusional to think abt. the fastest shangtian is like 200-400 or sumn. and ruo promised his aunt that he would be s in the next 70-100 yrs so mc at earliest would be in the next 50 yrs
That's if we were Martial artists. But we're not


Well-known member
Maybe Tang ruo will participate in the first as he's a LH
What about mc tho? The elders wanted us to reach top 10 in the PD tournament to proove that we are still of value to the sect, so i wonder how they will apply that in this new tournament


Well-known member
I'm sorry, it was my mistake, I meant that he wouldn't live another 50 years. Damn translator.

Mr lol

Well-known member
What about mc tho? The elders wanted us to reach top 10 in the PD tournament to proove that we are still of value to the sect, so i wonder how they will apply that in this new tournament
Since we are PH by POMA world standard we are automatically in group stage basically and maybe Ruo will advance just before Tourney