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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Active member
That's if we were Martial artists. But we're not
blud.. even tang wei glazes ruo, we arent even full power ruo level yet.. on top of that for the story..mc has to get stones to level up..we arent getting to shangtian in any thing less than 50 yrs..best case scenario which i dont see happen is 20 - before 50 yrs but 5-10? very very very highly doubt it. if you need an answer to this,just find the time ruo said he would get to s in 70 yrs,thats enough to tell you mc isnt getting there in 5 yrs cus anything ruo said just needs a tad bit of a minus to know the time the true acheivement will happen


Well-known member
You guy’s should stop thinking when mc will hit S and think about when ruo will hit S. That’s about when mc will too, niki has already said time and time again they’re always going to be side by side. Mc is not going to hit S until it makes sense for ruo to hit S too.


New member
Predictions/guesses with unresolved plot threads:

DQ visiting HA sect? Clan Y's trap for DQ? CA too honorable? YB's deal with C?


So i feel like I would ask a question that feels so dumb, If we are Tang Wei literally In soul does that mean we are related to Tang Ruo? Or something like that


In regards to the new sneak peek. I don’t think it matters if we have a different soul. The MC is still biologically related to wu chao and the MC was raised with wu chao as their father so in doesn’t really matter if we have a different soul in my opinion


Well-known member
No matter how powerful, the yangs are the second strongest clan. I doubt one asura can cause much trouble to them
But isn't likely going to just murder them anyway? I mean even YB said it is nearly unstoppable and absolutely out of control