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Path of Martial Arts WIP Mod Menu WIP

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Well-known member
Just keep setting your stats to 10000 it worked for a playthrough I had recently. And whenever you advance reset back to 10000. When I had 10000 char it was 50 shards lol
The story wouldn't make sense for me at that stage (being a MH with 10k stats) tbh but you do you


Well-known member
If I mod it above 100 it does not work
Are you modding the charisma stat alone? If yes idk why but it doesn't increase the stat per se but rather it increase the limit if you want the stat to be modded you need to select "all above" (btw which mode are you playing story, mortal or?)


Something wrong is happening to me, every time I press the Download Save option, the game freezes the screen and then exits by itself, could anyone help me with this please? warning that I don't play on PC. 😔