Oh damn lmao I remember seeing this when it went down since I follow the Press Play author on Tumblr. I thought the author seemed pretty cool prior to this, but I'd be lying if I said that their whole attitude about it didn't turn me off the game a bit lol, so I get you. I remember thinking that it seems like a bit of an overreaction back when I saw the post in December, especially considering that the game is still in the early stages.
I didn't see the discussions in the replies or the Obsolete Stars author's additions though so I'm only now seeing them for the first time and bruh wtf, that writer sounds so cringe and try hard. I'd never even heard of their IF before and now I'm definitely never checking it out.

When an author acts annoying on social media I can't separate that behaviour from their game and it dampers my enjoyment of it every time lol, I just can't help it. Also yes that one person is the MVP for calling it out and pushing back on the hugbox.
Speaking of music IFs, the Infamous author sometimes can also come off a pretty annoying on social media and bruh idk what it is about band WIPs that make authors become obnoxious lmao, there must be something in the water fr. Shout out to the only non annoying author of a band IF, Twisted Scene, sadly that one seems to be dead.

Anyway tho I still enjoy Infamous and Press Play a lot and this isn't necessarily gonna stop me from playing them but yeah, the behaviour of the authors definitely hinders the fun of the games a bit for me sometimes so I had to rant a bit lol.