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Stories that left you disappointed for a reason


Active member
šŸ¤ (also hello fellow Indonesian... or Malaysian idk I have a feeling Malaysian people call kecap asin something else???)

Sry for being cringe gue cuma seneng nemuin orang Indo di forum CoG jadi nggak berasa sendirian bgt wkwkwk šŸ˜…
Gpp, You're not alone for sure šŸ¤. Disini pasti ada aja org indo cma ya karna ini komunitas internasional, ga pada keliatan indonya wkwk šŸ¤£


New member
Why do a lot of these authors like to move to Twine anyway? Personally, I like the cscript UI better. The pictures and sounds used in Twine tend to distract me a lot from actually reading the story (which is the point of making an IF, no?)
It's so curious (and rather funny) to see so many authors moving to Twine, while I'm thinking about doing the complete opposite. I've been considering moving my IF to CoG/HG for months now, lol


Active member
Oh damn lmao I remember seeing this when it went down since I follow the Press Play author on Tumblr. I thought the author seemed pretty cool prior to this, but I'd be lying if I said that their whole attitude about it didn't turn me off the game a bit lol, so I get you. I remember thinking that it seems like a bit of an overreaction back when I saw the post in December, especially considering that the game is still in the early stages.

I didn't see the discussions in the replies or the Obsolete Stars author's additions though so I'm only now seeing them for the first time and bruh wtf, that writer sounds so cringe and try hard. I'd never even heard of their IF before and now I'm definitely never checking it out. šŸ˜‚ When an author acts annoying on social media I can't separate that behaviour from their game and it dampers my enjoyment of it every time lol, I just can't help it. Also yes that one person is the MVP for calling it out and pushing back on the hugbox.

Speaking of music IFs, the Infamous author sometimes can also come off a pretty annoying on social media and bruh idk what it is about band WIPs that make authors become obnoxious lmao, there must be something in the water fr. Shout out to the only non annoying author of a band IF, Twisted Scene, sadly that one seems to be dead. šŸ˜­ Anyway tho I still enjoy Infamous and Press Play a lot and this isn't necessarily gonna stop me from playing them but yeah, the behaviour of the authors definitely hinders the fun of the games a bit for me sometimes so I had to rant a bit lol.
Hello New here but wanted to give my opinion.

My issue with them being upset about being followers or fans not asking more questions that focus on the story and wanting to know more about the RO is..What Story? I mean this in no harsh way but majority of these are WIP barely have enough chapters to substantiate more question about the story, and no RO's. PressPlay has a progologue and 2 chapters and I meant to have so many questions about a story you've barely written, I don't have enough context, subtext, understanding your story and world to be ask more questions.

I follow Crown of Exile and yes they get ALOT of romance question but they get ALOT of story and character question, about the MC's mother and Father, what the mother did as well as the Father, because there's enough story for me to ask the questions. If you unhappy about them again not in a harsh way but write more then we can ask different questions. Until then you'll get how would RO's feel about........?


Active member
Pretty much this.
The funny thing is the fact that the ros are the most interesting part of some of these stories
Wayfarer has its fair share of romance asks but a lot of the questions surround the actual story, because there is an actual plot. A lot of if not most IFs are pretty much picture-less dating sims with little substance. Not the literary gold that the writers think they're writing.


Well-known member
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but pronouns and non binary characters or anthing along those lines ruin my immersion in games. See these of type of 'concepts' are only relevant in specific countries and even then there's a lot of controversy surrounding it. Im from a country like majority of others where random pronouns and 'non binary' is not a norm and rightly so. Everytime i come across a 'they/them' character, it breaks my immersion immensly and outright ruins my experience. In somecases i never read those stories again. And I could never figure out the gender of the character either. The authors barely gives a description on such characters and I could never know whether the character is male or female and hence could never picture them. Normally i steer away from stories that do this but there are some i read despite that but struggle to maintain the hype even when it has good writing. One big example is 'The Exile', the writing and premise was good and intrigued me but the moment I hear a character being called as they or them, I cringe internally. Despite that i managed to finish the demo since i liked how the game was written. I dont know whether you guys are tolerant of talks like this, if not then mods can feel free to remove my comment.


Active member
Another Tumblr hell tea. So glad to not be active on that site anymore lol. But it's fun to see stuff from time to time and haunted's posts are especially satisfying. https://www.tumblr.com/circuseyesof...this-doesnt-come-off-wrong-but-i?source=share
Props to the author of Time Fall though for taking it in stride, even if yea she's three IFs that are still stuck on prologue (which is a shame cause her stories hits all the right spots for me) šŸ„²


Well-known member
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but pronouns and non binary characters or anthing along those lines ruin my immersion in games. See these of type of 'concepts' are only relevant in specific countries and even then there's a lot of controversy surrounding it. Im from a country like majority of others where random pronouns and 'non binary' is not a norm and rightly so. Everytime i come across a 'they/them' character, it breaks my immersion immensly and outright ruins my experience. In somecases i never read those stories again. And I could never figure out the gender of the character either. The authors barely gives a description on such characters and I could never know whether the character is male or female and hence could never picture them. Normally i steer away from stories that do this but there are some i read despite that but struggle to maintain the hype even when it has good writing. One big example is 'The Exile', the writing and premise was good and intrigued me but the moment I hear a character being called as they or them, I cringe internally. Despite that i managed to finish the demo since i liked how the game was written. I dont know whether you guys are tolerant of talks like this, if not then mods can feel free to remove my comment.
Worry not my friend, this is piracy site. Freedom of speech is guaranteed even if it's a horrible truth.


Well-known member
Worry not my friend, this is piracy site. Freedom of speech is guaranteed even if it's a horrible truth.
My message has been tagged as 'transphobia' despite me not talking about trans people. What I said is my genuine thought tho. Nothing i said came from a hateful place. Its unfortunate people are labelled things as soon as they talk against or even about such concepts. Its hardly free speech when this happens, adding words into peoples minds before they decide to think for themselves.


Active member
My message has been tagged as 'transphobia' despite me not talking about trans people. What I said is my genuine thought tho. Nothing i said came from a hateful place. Its unfortunate people are labelled things as soon as they talk against or even about such concepts. Its hardly free speech when this happens, adding words into peoples minds before they decide to think for themselves.
These words don't mean much of anything really, like how the words 'grifter' or 'woke' and all those funky labels don't mean **** no more. They're just convenient tool to censor people with differing opinions and perspectives :confused:

Eh, and also I guess non-binaries are considered transgender for some reason... (that could be why your comment is tagged as transphobia) even if the concept of transgender cancels out the meaning of non-binary which is the choice of not identifying with gender at all (to my knowledge). While transgender means the choice of changing one's previous gender to the opposite gender. Far as I gather non-binary refuse the concept of gender... right? Whatever the more I think about this the more I wanna pull my hair out.


Active member
My message has been tagged as 'transphobia' despite me not talking about trans people. What I said is my genuine thought tho. Nothing i said came from a hateful place. Its unfortunate people are labelled things as soon as they talk against or even about such concepts. Its hardly free speech when this happens, adding words into peoples minds before they decide to think for themselves.
well duh dude. u r literally denying the existence of a grp of ppl. the only valid piece of criticism in ur comment is about the random pronouns. that shits confusing. the genderless-or-whatever-the-**** pronoun should be limited to they/them


Well-known member
well duh dude. u r literally denying the existence of a grp of ppl. the only valid piece of criticism in ur comment is about the random pronouns. that shits confusing. the genderless-or-whatever-the-**** pronoun should be limited to they/them
You don't find 'they/them' confusing? I swear I stopped several times to actually figure out what was being said in IFs which use them. It's even more confusing just for the fact they are actual words used in everyday life. I used both 'they' and 'them' in my previous sentences but it actually has a meaning. Imagine seeing multiple "they's" in a single sentence. You might even be confused if I didn't use quotations for specific "they's" and "them's".


Well-known member
These words don't mean much of anything really, like how the words 'grifter' or 'woke' and all those funky labels don't mean **** no more. They're just convenient tool to censor people with differing opinions and perspectives :confused:

Eh, and also I guess non-binaries are considered transgender for some reason... (that could be why your comment is tagged as transphobia) even if the concept of transgender cancels out the meaning of non-binary which is the choice of not identifying with gender at all (to my knowledge). While transgender means the choice of changing one's previous gender to the opposite gender. Far as I gather non-binary refuse the concept of gender... right? Whatever the more I think about this the more I wanna pull my hair out.
As far as i know, Cis and Trans are words I learned in school during my Organic Chemistry classes. Cis means functional groups are bonded in the same side between two isomeres and trans means functional groups on opposite sides. Even in this case there are only two 'sides' which is swapped. In the context of non binary people, trans has no context especially since they claim to be outside gender norms which has two genders. Ofc people will justify it saying gender and *** are different when they are not.


Active member
Maybe an unpopular opinion but idc. Can we stop the non-binary discussion before it turns into a several pages discourse on trans and queer people or just call outs to stories trying their best to just be inclusive to other people? Like I understand not getting in and being confused by it but at the end of the day non-binary people do exist and mostly play these IF's because they get to be included for once, let's get back on topic and complain about infamous or whatever.
These words don't mean much of anything really, like how the words 'grifter' or 'woke' and all those funky labels don't mean **** no more. They're just convenient tool to censor people with differing opinions and perspectives :confused:

Eh, and also I guess non-binaries are considered transgender for some reason... (that could be why your comment is tagged as transphobia) even if the concept of transgender cancels out the meaning of non-binary which is the choice of not identifying with gender at all (to my knowledge). While transgender means the choice of changing one's previous gender to the opposite gender. Far as I gather non-binary refuse the concept of gender... right? Whatever the more I think about this the more I wanna pull my hair out.
When we use the word transgender, we are referring to an inclusive umbrella term that consists of binary trans people (trans men and trans women), as well as non-binary people and people who cross dress. Transgender doesn't only mean switching genders, the term just means not associating with your birth gender.


Staff member
Alright, a reminder to keep the thread on topic and to keep the conversation respectful.


Well-known member
Alright its about time I stop. I did say what disappointed me about some games and elaborated a bit on why it is so. Proceeding anymore with this discussion is not relevant to the purpose of this thread.


Active member
You don't find 'they/them' confusing? I swear I stopped several times to actually figure out what was being said in IFs which use them. It's even more confusing just for the fact they are actual words used in everyday life. I used both 'they' and 'them' in my previous sentences but it actually has a meaning. Imagine seeing multiple "they's" in a single sentence. You might even be confused if I didn't use quotations for specific "they's" and "them's".
It's not really all that confusing. Even outside the context of trans/nonbinary communities and just going by English grammar rules; singular they has been an accepted part of the lexicon for decades now (fun fact: earliest known use of singular they was in the 1375 poem William and the Werewolf). The communities just adopted the use (since outside them it's mainly used when gender is unknown) of the singular they because it's a neutral way to refer to another person.

Honestly, I find authors attempting to showcase genderfluidity in text a lot more confusing in comparison since a few of the ones I've seen will have characters change pronouns mid-sentence which always throws me off and out of the story each and every time.

Now... back to the topic on hand. For stories that've disappointed me recently... I have to say I'm very disappointed in When Twilight Strikes. It had an interesting premise but it falls rather flat; the mystery of your missing boss (up to ch. 10 at least) has zero leads with the characters only coming together to say they continue to know nothing of actual substance. Also the only notable lead in 10 chapters only being the vampire nightclub that was there just to have vampire lady tell you abso-****ing-lutely nothing and the RO-centric scenes being nothing more than uninteresting filler. Even the "clues" you find within the club went nowhere lol. Being stabbed was probably the only interesting thing in that section as short-lived as it was.

The argument between the characters in chapter 10 also felt contrived and unnecessary because of this - especially considering the character who incited the argument (K) threw a hissy fit about them arguing??? I dunno honestly, it's just one big nothing-burger where the only impressive thing is how the author has gone 10+ chapters of not progressing anything.
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kecap asin

Well-known member
it's just one big nothing-burger where the only impressive thing is how the author has gone 10+ chapters of not progressing anything.
Lol yeah, I feel like we still in chapter 3 by the way of the story progress. Half of them is just bunch of character arguing or moping despite how 'urgent' the missing boss case is.

This is supposed to be a team of trained agent ffs. Albeit they are not a detective, they are supposed to be written as a person who used to dealing with supernatural cases. Like, It's impossible to not have other contact that can maybe help with the case at all. They all act clueless and hopeless like bro, used your 'supposed trained supernatural experience' to deal with it. Or maybe investigate the boss home, like? Do something.


Well-known member
Hello New here but wanted to give my opinion.

My issue with them being upset about being followers or fans not asking more questions that focus on the story and wanting to know more about the RO is..What Story? I mean this in no harsh way but majority of these are WIP barely have enough chapters to substantiate more question about the story, and no RO's. PressPlay has a progologue and 2 chapters and I meant to have so many questions about a story you've barely written, I don't have enough context, subtext, understanding your story and world to be ask more questions.

I follow Crown of Exile and yes they get ALOT of romance question but they get ALOT of story and character question, about the MC's mother and Father, what the mother did as well as the Father, because there's enough story for me to ask the questions. If you unhappy about them again not in a harsh way but write more then we can ask different questions. Until then you'll get how would RO's feel about........?
A matter of creativity šŸ¤· There was a WIP prologue + 1 chapter that really interested me and I was able to come up with hundreds of questions that the author gladly answered. I asked about MC's role, their potential skills, the government, society, the aesthetics of the city, small things that interested me in the prologue and which the author was ready to spoiler ; )
I asked about ROs sometimes too, but none of them were from "How ROs would react if MC..." category.

Although I have to admit that when it comes to PressPlay and other WIPs that are happening in 'our world' it may be a little harder.


A matter of creativity šŸ¤· There was a WIP prologue + 1 chapter that really interested me and I was able to come up with hundreds of questions that the author gladly answered. I asked about MC's role, their potential skills, the government, society, the aesthetics of the city, small things that interested me in the prologue and which the author was ready to spoiler ; )
I asked about ROs sometimes too, but none of them were from "How ROs would react if MC..." category.

Although I have to admit that when it comes to PressPlay and other WIPs that are happening in 'our world' it may be a little harder.
Yes, if itā€™s in our world, we cant ask many questions with only one chapter. There arenā€™t many world building questions to ask and they donā€™t usually answer about past or future events. So you can only ask about the characters. I am saying this and I donā€™t like most of the questions they ask about ros, I donā€™t see the point and would prefer the author spent more time writing the story instead of answering ask about very specific scenarios with the ros.