Ok, despite being enby myself. I kinda agree with this. A lot of the time, it's just added because it's 'inclusive' and it has no real effect on anything. It's a minor pet peeve of mine seeing stuff like it/its and xir/xirselves in an IF story ngl especially historical/ historical fantasy ones. It's the biggest flag that the writer is a white American tumblrite and I should lower my expectations. It's definitely immersion braking. Also, the writing is often just cringe. Many of the time, non-binary and trans characters have personalities the equivalent of a wet paper bag and character development that matches. Or they're obviously written as male/female, but the author can't just write a story without needing to add 'diversity' or else they'll probably die or something. The writing is often so clunky as well. "I'm (insert name here) and my pronouns are xir/xim." No one talks like this in real life. Only in online spaces. Most times pronouns are a fyi situation. Most enbies present as their assigned gender at birth, so calling them as such isn't a huge problem, unless you continue to do so after being told otherwise. Same with most non-passing trans people. It's also a no-no in writing. Show, don't tell. I don't need to know that the character is trans as soon as I meet them. Weave it into your writing and descriptions and let the readers figure it out themselves or ignore it as they wish for their own immersion, not force your morality down other's throats.
Often goes hand in hand with having 'options' for being black/having a black character but all the other customization options are super geared towards a white character. I have brown hair and picking brown hair colour options on IF often gets a character described as having light or chestnut brown hair. It's dumb, a waste and the writer is better off writing what they know instead of trying to be inclusive and writing something awful.
Honestly, most IF characters that are created for diversity sake always have the exact same stereotypes.
The trans character - Always trans fem and never trans masc. If included, they're always an RO or the character's best friend. Always got top/bottom surgery and perfectly passes, never just starting transition or crossdressing. They never cracked their egg later in life, instead they've always known they were trans since they were five years old. Everyone treats them the same way they treat anyone else, there's no conflict. If there is conflict, then the person who has the problem is always an antagonist and a giant bigot who needs to be defeated with the power of
American leftist politics I mean the power of friendship. If based/inspired by a historical era, then the way trans people lived and adapted would be thrown out in favour of modern ideas and ideals in ways that would make the enlightenment movement blush. This character is never the A-hole because flaws are transphobic.
The Enby character- Always a woman because non-binary people are just women lite. If the character isn't written to be female, then they would have 0 physical description because bodies are transphobic. Would always be seen wearing non-conforming clothing, never something that is conforming for their time/era. Always uses they/them, never he/they or she/they, someone who prefers gender-neutral forms of title or even just lacking pronouns. Gender = chaos, always quirky and never grounded. Always talks like someone thermally online. Also never allowed to be the A-hole or antagonist for long.
The Black character- Somehow always from a poor or lower middle family. Rarely rich. If a woman, they're a ghetto-lite, if male, then they're a charmer straight out of a Tyler Perry movie about players. That's if the writer doesn't write a white person with different features. Rarely the smart kid, if quirky expect them to be enby or lesbian (quirky and silly black guys don't exist). Always into hip-pop and urban culture. Honestly, it's just your standard black character you find in movies but with an LGBT label slapped on them so it's different somehow.
The Asian character - Same with black folks that it's the same standard trash but with labels slapped on it. Always Japanese or Koren, if Chinese, expect them to be a second generation immigrant with a super Americanized name.
The Gay - The effeminate if male or butch if female gay best friend who is always there with sass and advice. Never romanceable as the same gender. Always fashionable and well put together and never a mess. If written to be an A-hole, it's always a mean lesbian, and never expect it to make sense or to stick past the first few romance scenes before she becomes a tsundere who's slightly bitchy to everyone except her girlfriend (usually the female MC).
The Ace- Just exists. Always ***-avoidant and hates kissing or any sort of intimacy instead of just not caring for or wanting it on a personal level. If not an RO, they're also aromantic and not attracted to anybody outside of friendships. If they're a RO, expect this route to the worst written route with 0 chemistry whatsoever. At least the others have some sort of personality, these characters are just there, often as cheerleaders for the main couple.