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Well-known member
Wayhaven's Update+ this week, a rare moment of Farah/Felix not being quite so certain!

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask. "It sounds believable enough—"

She/He flings her/his hands up and swings away. "Can you not be so calm about this, please?"

I arch a brow. "I think you're freaking out enough for the both of us right now."

"Of course I am. I might lose you!" Her/His voice echoes down the hallway, ricocheting from my heart.


Well-known member
Please update i find another kemono link
A Long Weekend, After Dark, The In-Between by Daleko Writes - https://kemono.su/patreon/user/78944479
I'm sorry for the off topic, but this kemono's page it's been updated yesterday, let's hope that this means that kemono will go back to be functional (updated more often/can be updated) like in the past!

Edit. It's official, the kemono's Patreon importer is back online!
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Thank you so much though it seems to be the sfw version that can be found on the Internet now..Do you by any chance have the nsfw version? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong and can't get these scenes (even with good ending)🤔 Thanks for sharing this one anyway!

Edit: it seems to be the nsfw version, I just ran into some sort of a bug when you pick the church option as the last choice, you always end up dead. Author said on itchio page that they should release an update 1 week ago.
The game should be up to date since I just bought + download the game today. But if you guys run into some issues, you should probably ask on the itch.io game page for the technical problem 😅