blud,you beat him as a Early houtian. and he was mortal. read the book again. you didnt even win with that,you had to use inner energy on top of it and ruo and his uncle still says he would have still won if he used his sword art or dragon transfo. so basically what im saying in this case is not that he would have a easy run with mc,heck we would clap him if we fought base to base (ph mc vs lh ruo) but his dragon transfo is cracked and niki alr said that when ruo reaches ph,if he somehow ends up using the dragon transfo,mc has no chance of winning against ruo,but since there is a time limiter on the transfo(for now), an mc with high agi and can run away for long like a void mc and if they can prevent getting hit,they would likely survive. hence why im using this as a point i.e if mc is at ph and ruo is at ph,mc doesnt hold a candle to dragon transfo ruo,so ruo with dragon trasfo with lh,sure has a way lesser chance of winning,its not a impossible case,so if mc is careless,dragon transfo ruo in lh can still win but its in mcs favor mostly cus of the level gap. but both at ph? yh,mcs cooked unless they are able to run away from the transfo