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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Well-known member
And also comparing long Chen to MC is straight out mad. You're comparing someone who is also a clone of Tang Wei, who received his gifts, is older, more experienced, has been a martial artist longer to MC?

If MC and LC were the same level. MC would clap LC how he did to the little demon girl. She pissed her pants and took of just by hearing a demo of MC's power


Well-known member
LC transfo ruo. Won't stand a chance against dao arts. Except you decide to fight him with only physical body

And pH, transfo ruo. Will still not be able to defeat full powered asura dao using MC 💯


Well-known member
I for one think that the hype of dao and Qi isn't enough, when mc faces opponents their supposed to be scared 😨. But youll end up seeing a reaction like "I heard you were using sth to boost your powers", "let's see what you can do",instead of multiple people having the type of fear bh had for DQ all MC gets are insults from both strong and weak people. My MC kills mortals but still they've got balls. Tang ruo is just overrated. If it's strength, we're close in strength, ruthlessness he wouldn't even match my evil MC playthrough


Well-known member
There's 2 possible outcomes:
1. He trained seriously and he come back stronger (i won't say top 3 but stronger than top9 for sure especially now with his unc situation)
2. He fumbled hard and did 0 training, only drinking and doing the deed all day (highly doubt it but still a possibility).

this would make sense butt i highly doubt he remains top 9,the mc literally has 2 missions,reach ns and kill he gang and wipe out the He clan. niki being niki,would use this medium to show that hey,it wouldnt be easy for you. cus if you actually read the book,you could easily tell by the muchens last confrontation,mc is alr top 5 at the very least strength of the arena strength table. and this is before the dao cucumber,dreamweaver help,xiwen help and all that stuff. which means mc will most likely rival the yang boy at least by the tourney so ask yourself this,would niki keep he gang as pretty much fodder to the mc basically making mc have the ability to beat him in like 5 attacks? (if we take your version in which he stays at top 9) as a possibility? cus if you dont know,niki alr said ruo didnt even use his dragon transfo to make it to top 10 and the yang gai is still way stronger than ruos dragon transfo which shows the difference in power level of the top 3 and the top 10. so in my opinion,if we can speculate,its either he gang has become a bum (for now) which means he might not participate in the tourney cus i highly doubt niki would make an important character who will probably be a pain in the mcs back when both are shangtian get mopped easily OR he makes he gang get a significant boost cus niki doesnt leave these kind of mysteries without them having a large pop happening with them. he gang not leaving would have maintained his 9th position as shown throughout the 2 yrs of mcs coma. when ruo came,he was still 9th,before ruo came,he was still 9th so him leaving the sect just to come back and be 9th again seems very unplausible especially if he wants to fight in the tourney, highly doubt even people like ai would be easy in the tourney so i highly doubt he gang would be the same level as before,cus most of the top 10 would likely be filler so making he gang have a rise would make sense since someone like su da or de would be not that necessary to the story progression so imo at least top 5
Thanks for the criticism? But uh i think you're confused because if you actually read what i wrote i said that he gang "if he trained seriously i won't say he is top 3 but he'd be stronger than top 9 for sure especially with the situation with his uncle" also you got it wrong, before ruo entered the stage He gang was top 10 and the big 3 were long chen, yang gan and tang bo, the only reason i think he is top 9 now is because since Lc is an X now they all were upped by 1 grade, also sure i doubt ai will be easy as before especially if you make her reach Ph before the tourney but that's only compared to the average martial artists if she were to face current mc she'd still get cooked so she isn't the best example to use here also even if ruo didn't use his dragon transfo i think that possibly mc could do the same without relying on Dao and i personally think that ruo didn't or rather couldn't use his/her dragon transfo because he/she either is keeping it for worthy opponents (like mc) or his/her fights weren't challenging enough and also i speculate that she/he is top 10 not because she can't climb higher but rather that she/he is stuck at top 10 because she/he want to beat everyone that ranked higher than her/him then take their spot (i.e: she/he is waiting for he gang to come back then she beat him take his spot and then challenge the 8th spot and so on and so forth) or she/he is waiting for mc to make it in the top 10.


Well-known member
blud,you beat him as a Early houtian. and he was mortal. read the book again. you didnt even win with that,you had to use inner energy on top of it and ruo and his uncle still says he would have still won if he used his sword art or dragon transfo. so basically what im saying in this case is not that he would have a easy run with mc,heck we would clap him if we fought base to base (ph mc vs lh ruo) but his dragon transfo is cracked and niki alr said that when ruo reaches ph,if he somehow ends up using the dragon transfo,mc has no chance of winning against ruo,but since there is a time limiter on the transfo(for now), an mc with high agi and can run away for long like a void mc and if they can prevent getting hit,they would likely survive. hence why im using this as a point i.e if mc is at ph and ruo is at ph,mc doesnt hold a candle to dragon transfo ruo,so ruo with dragon trasfo with lh,sure has a way lesser chance of winning,its not a impossible case,so if mc is careless,dragon transfo ruo in lh can still win but its in mcs favor mostly cus of the level gap. but both at ph? yh,mcs cooked unless they are able to run away from the transfo
Uh...that's where you're wrong but also right, in fact mc holding his ground is the real feat because ruo him/herself say "i long ago surpassed the limits of mortality blah blah blah i drank enough elixir to fill a sea, ate pills equivalent to a mountain" meaning that a mortal mc was theoretically fighting a fake EH ruo.


Well-known member
you see the problem with this argument is that,ruo would likely still have kept up,sure he might not have the sword art but the dragon transfo would still put him mostly on par with an ie mc who had his training.
if you pay attention to what BH says in his fight, he say that the mc rely more on his instinct than anything and that he isn't used to fighting long battles, you might ask what does this have to do with ruo, the answer is simple mc was trained by a Ph-Ex while ruo was trained not by one but by two shangtians one of them being the strongest person in the world meaning that not only did he/she hone his/her instincts and battle senses but she/he also is kinda used to high-level fighting/training meaning that an mc who went through tang ruo's training would be similar in more ways than one because obviously a ph-x trainer is in no way comparable to a shangtian trainer.


Active member
Tang ruo is a arrogant fool and she always gloat she do training,eat pills, blah blah blah meanwhile our mc going on full tang wei clone **** MC father didn't show him love because of this clone thing wu clan is a declining clan, a large number of ruo lapdogs insult MC by comparing him to ruo still MC is going forward so if ruo win the story will totally decline the potential


Active member
Man I love power fantasy fans, arguments are always interesting
I am unfamiliar with this 😭
What's that?

Edit: nvm I remembered it now.
Honestly? I can see why people would like power fantasy..but Imo it would get pretty boring in a book/game like Poma..idk if you guys feel the same way as me but I think one of the main appeals of this story is to prove people wrong about the MC and surpass the odds against you.

You can't do that while being in a power fantasy thing...you're already gonna be the best from the start.

I know that people think the MC is too weak to be...well a MC...but give it some time and I sure their strength growth will satisfy you guys.
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Active member
Man I love power fantasy fans, arguments are always interesting
At least it's more interesting than political discussions. The common point is that there are those who present well thought-out arguments and points, while there are those who are just fanboys.

The good thing is that in the end we're all hoping for the same thing, a good story.


Active member
I am unfamiliar with this 😭
What's that?

Edit: nvm I remembered it now.
Honestly? I can see why people would like power fantasy..but Imo it would get pretty boring in a book/game like Poma..idk if you guys feel the same way as me but I think one of the main appeals of this story is to prove people wrong about the MC and surpass the odds against you.

You can't do that while being in a power fantasy thing...you're already gonna be the best from the start.

I know that people think the MC is to weak to be...well a MC...but give it some time and I sure their strength growth will satisfy you guys.
I yapped to much 😭


Active member
So You're basically saying that, early houtian IE user MC could beat martial artists one stage ahead(xiwen's friend) and draw two stages ahead martial artists but Qi user MC with a half asura or MGs technique cannot fight a stage above??? 🤔🤦🏻‍♂️
And if he can. What's the next stage above PH. And if you're saying he can't then you mean MC is getting weaker not stronger 🙂
its ruo thats capable of doing that lol,mc isnt close to that till maybe book 2