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Path of martial arts: leaked sneak peaks, and discussing thread


Active member
And also comparing long Chen to MC is straight out mad. You're comparing someone who is also a clone of Tang Wei, who received his gifts, is older, more experienced, has been a martial artist longer to MC?

If MC and LC were the same level. MC would clap LC how he did to the little demon girl. She pissed her pants and took of just by hearing a demo of MC's power
im referring to you saying mc can face off against a mid xiantian and i compared them to half step xiantian lc to show you mc is nowhere capable of acheiving such a feat


Active member
LC transfo ruo. Won't stand a chance against dao arts. Except you decide to fight him with only physical body

And pH, transfo ruo. Will still not be able to defeat full powered asura dao using MC 💯
as i said,mc most likely wins against lh ruo but when using transfo? its still in mcs favor but about 70/30 cus if mc isnt serious,they will lose. while ph,mc isnt getting the full powered asura till maybe book 2 and even then yang bohai said he wont give mc so thats not happening now, and we all know present asura mc isnt even beating yang gai at full power lest talk of ruo


Active member
I think some people just love Rou so much that they would rather Rou win than the mc win. Author should have added this as a goal " LICK'S ROU'S BOOTS FOR ETERNITY".
just accept reality dawg,i was just as hard headed as yall,literally got banned from cog cus i was tryna give niki ideas on how to make the mc rival ruo. not knowing qi was common. you might not realise it now,but the simple fact is no matter how much you wanna glaze mc, you're not beating ruo at full power till mc is a core formation expert. its been said by niki and has been spread around enough for you to give up this "mc is op" thought process. dk if yall have read aura clash but thats the best suited for this level of delusion.


Active member
Uh...that's where you're wrong but also right, in fact mc holding his ground is the real feat because ruo him/herself say "i long ago surpassed the limits of mortality blah blah blah i drank enough elixir to fill a sea, ate pills equivalent to a mountain" meaning that a mortal mc was theoretically fighting a fake EH ruo.
im not wrong lol. the reason you think hes a fake eh is cus of the dragon transfo,it increases his max potential base wise unlike mc who is limited cus they hav normal bodies. ruos base itself can take a stage higher easily.


Active member
Thanks for the criticism? But uh i think you're confused because if you actually read what i wrote i said that he gang "if he trained seriously i won't say he is top 3 but he'd be stronger than top 9 for sure especially with the situation with his uncle" also you got it wrong, before ruo entered the stage He gang was top 10 and the big 3 were long chen, yang gan and tang bo, the only reason i think he is top 9 now is because since Lc is an X now they all were upped by 1 grade, also sure i doubt ai will be easy as before especially if you make her reach Ph before the tourney but that's only compared to the average martial artists if she were to face current mc she'd still get cooked so she isn't the best example to use here also even if ruo didn't use his dragon transfo i think that possibly mc could do the same without relying on Dao and i personally think that ruo didn't or rather couldn't use his/her dragon transfo because he/she either is keeping it for worthy opponents (like mc) or his/her fights weren't challenging enough and also i speculate that she/he is top 10 not because she can't climb higher but rather that she/he is stuck at top 10 because she/he want to beat everyone that ranked higher than her/him then take their spot (i.e: she/he is waiting for he gang to come back then she beat him take his spot and then challenge the 8th spot and so on and so forth) or she/he is waiting for mc to make it in the top 10.
this would have made sense if niki didnt alr say mc is becoming a xiantian the end of this book and the tourney wasnt deciding the strongest houtian. but it is so this pretty much invalidates the "challenging for higher" thing cus ruo by the tourney is alr top 1-2 including mc so he gang wwould either be a bum or top5


Active member
if you pay attention to what BH says in his fight, he say that the mc rely more on his instinct than anything and that he isn't used to fighting long battles, you might ask what does this have to do with ruo, the answer is simple mc was trained by a Ph-Ex while ruo was trained not by one but by two shangtians one of them being the strongest person in the world meaning that not only did he/she hone his/her instincts and battle senses but she/he also is kinda used to high-level fighting/training meaning that an mc who went through tang ruo's training would be similar in more ways than one because obviously a ph-x trainer is in no way comparable to a shangtian trainer.
bh said it was more of a talent thing i.e not trained or experienced true battle but maybe thats how you intrepreted it. but the case im making here is cus of the dragon transfos potential increaser,ruo in base has a way higher limit than ie mc and other people so he would still have kept up even if he didnt get stronger in base,his transfo would be enough to keep up


Active member
Tang ruo is a arrogant fool and she always gloat she do training,eat pills, blah blah blah meanwhile our mc going on full tang wei clone **** MC father didn't show him love because of this clone thing wu clan is a declining clan, a large number of ruo lapdogs insult MC by comparing him to ruo still MC is going forward so if ruo win the story will totally decline the potential
ruos definitely worked way more than mc has for the **** she got. her parents were also raised under yichen but couldnt be as good,even the son that got killed by the dragons was useless so ruo might be arrogant but def has the right to be that. but its pretty obvious mc is gonna come out on top,just mc things


Active member
Why even MC exist 🤦🤦🤦
that would be a good question if we didnt get qi. but now? yh we are definitely on our purpose,i'm just tryna make it clear that yh,mc is definitely GOING to be goated but thinking they are a match for ruos full power is delusional,the author has said it multiple times now. but we are definitely getting there


Well-known member
If you're MC is so weak that all your fights are serious then I have nothing more to say. Because in all my fights I rarely used dao because I don't think my enemies deserve that waste of resources. But when I talk about going all out, I mean utilizing everything in MC's arsenal including regeneration and transformations including DQ worm. That's going all out


Well-known member
ruos definitely worked way more than mc has for the **** she got. her parents were also raised under yichen but couldnt be as good,even the son that got killed by the dragons was useless so ruo might be arrogant but def has the right to be that. but its pretty obvious mc is gonna come out on top,just mc things
The reason ruo has dragon shxt is related to the death of the dragons ( would have explained more but I'm tired). Just reread the side stories


Well-known member
that would be a good question if we didnt get qi. but now? yh we are definitely on our purpose,i'm just tryna make it clear that yh,mc is definitely GOING to be goated but thinking they are a match for ruos full power is delusional,the author has said it multiple times now. but we are definitely getting there
You making your theories over what Niki said (still unconfirmed cause ii haven't goot time to check) isn't bad , you're being delusional if thinking that ph mc vs ph ruo is gonna be a walk in the park. Personally I blame Niki for actually limiting how much we can grow in power by adding some scenes that while fun are not important. For instance, while we're doing tea party buddies, ruo is training, when an elder calls ruo is training if we had an unlimited height of power ruo would stand no chance. And that's the only thing ruo has that we don't.
I can't believe you think MC is nerfed. MC already is terrifyingly strong compared to the last hundred years of martial artists
And now you're saying he'll be cooked. Hell I'm sure you'll say full powered ruo will defeat 3 MCs 😂
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Well-known member
Trash talents eq mortals and minor clans bastards with 5-10% IE
Mortal talents eqs minor clan heads and distant clan cousins wth 10-25% IE
Earth talent eqs major clan heads (and this is considered rare btw)wth 25-40% IE
Heavenly talent eq 40-65% IE these are born wth physiques and are from shagthians and peak houtians. Impossible to find

Story mode/God mode eq 100% IE.(Mythical beings like Tang Wei. None Of his direct children attained this level

And you're saying someone I beat using mortal level is gonna beat story mode worst of all is gonna smack and Woop a story mode strong MC?
Someone hold me before I challenge @Seyiz to a duel 😂


Well-known member
im referring to you saying mc can face off against a mid xiantian and i compared them to half step xiantian lc to show you mc is nowhere capable of acheiving such a feat
Even the standby disciple knew it was a feat. To survive a serious blow from an early xiantian while in middle houtian. That's already 3 stages up. And he did that twice he survived two strikes without dao or arts. Bro you need to reread poma slowly next time
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Active member
Does this all really matter? At the end of the day Niki has already said previously that in the future the 3 strongest people will be Mc, Ruo, and Caihong. Speaking of that it’s hilarious everyone speaks on Ruo and not the real op dragon, which I don’t mind that’s my girl fr. I guess I just play my Mc a certain way knowing it isn’t that type of power fantasy, I hardly ever interacted with ruo. My Mc just be chilling real carefree and devious training under MG.


Active member
Does this all really matter? At the end of the day Niki has already said previously that in the future the 3 strongest people will be Mc, Ruo, and Caihong. Speaking of that it’s hilarious everyone speaks on Ruo and not the real op dragon, which I don’t mind that’s my girl fr. I guess I just play my Mc a certain way knowing it isn’t that type of power fantasy, I hardly ever interacted with ruo. My Mc just be chilling real carefree and devious training under MG.
I still think she's going to try to eat the MC one day (she just keeps describing us as meal, saying we smell good and all), I sleep with an open eye 👁️


Active member
I still think she's going to try to eat the MC one day (she just keeps describing us as meal, saying we smell good and all), I sleep with an open eye 👁️
Not really, just because we are pure. Also she protected Mc when we slept. Maybe enemy route she will try. I will say she’s creepy smelling and watching us while we sleep big weirdo energy, it’s mostly innocence tho