The yichen route opens my eyes to the fact that, tang yichen and ruo are fools

and pathetic

. Imagine the world's strongest man coming to bully a peak houtian(yes MC really is peak unfortunately). I insulted him and was rude throughout the scene and he did nothing

. Bohai would've killed me for such insolence! Not to mention DQ. Anyway the main reason I said they're foolish is cus, he needs MC to stay and help but all he did was a Qi stone

. And he did so asif he's just given MC a million dollars for free. Honestly RN Qi is overrated. And did you guys know that if you have 0 Qi strands you die instantly

. Nobody told me

. Had to go back to my modded save. Honestly I'd prefer if he made us leave the tourney and train with him, that way his life wouldn't be completely useless

. And to think he forced mc to help ruo. Ohh I'm gonna make them beg before I help, mainly cus I know I'll die if I straight up refuse lol.
I actually thought at that scene he'll ask us to teach ruo. Yunno turn her into our student
And one more mind-blowing concept is;
Wait for it...
Just a little minute....
It's getting old isn't it....
Ws bored so I had to make it fun...
Alright the last concept is...
I really have no idea
The last thing I wanted to bring to your minds was;

or I think she is

. How'd you explain the stone stuff?