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Stories that left you disappointed for a reason


Well-known member
The Golden Rose. It's 1,000,000 words and nothing happens. Such a huge chunk of it is just aimless meandering while it takes 20 scenes to climb a hill or something. I was so annoyed by the end of that crap.
I know I'm very late replying to this but I have to say just because you didn't like it you don't have to belittle it, just move on to something else. If you think you could do a better job, let's see you try. I for one really liked the story, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


I know I'm very late replying to this but I have to say just because you didn't like it you don't have to belittle it, just move on to something else. If you think you could do a better job, let's see you try. I for one really liked the story, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
The entire thread is about games that disappointed you, what the hell are you talking about?


Since we're on this I'll tell you 2 IFs I hate with a passion, A Tale of Crowns and The Night Market. I despise them.
Lol one of the reasons I will never see myself supporting the Night Market's author is because I feel cheated with the whole if you want Milo you also have to want Mal, no other way about it.
Like hello? I don't like to share? And if I do want to share definitely not with that other guy. 🙄 I have no problem with Bella and Gabriel poly because you can choose only one of them.
As for Tale of Crowns it just sort of frustrating to me because personally for me the pace is sooo.... very slow. It's already on Chapter 11 and the most you get is a kiss on the cheek with X, not to mention X is still fooling around even if they already realized their feelings toward MC. I was thinking on getting the side stories but I'm worried they wouldn't live up to my expectations. 🙄


Well-known member
Lol one of the reasons I will never see myself supporting the Night Market's author is because I feel cheated with the whole if you want Milo you also have to want Mal, no other way about it.
Like hello? I don't like to share? And if I do want to share definitely not with that other guy. 🙄 I have no problem with Bella and Gabriel poly because you can choose only one of them.
As for Tale of Crowns it just sort of frustrating to me because personally for me the pace is sooo.... very slow. It's already on Chapter 11 and the most you get is a kiss on the cheek with X, not to mention X is still fooling around even if they already realized their feelings toward MC. I was thinking on getting the side stories but I'm worried they wouldn't live up to my expectations. 🙄
You said everything absolutely perfectly, your a mind reader my friend.


Well-known member
Lol one of the reasons I will never see myself supporting the Night Market's author is because I feel cheated with the whole if you want Milo you also have to want Mal, no other way about it.
Like hello? I don't like to share? And if I do want to share definitely not with that other guy. 🙄 I have no problem with Bella and Gabriel poly because you can choose only one of them.
As for Tale of Crowns it just sort of frustrating to me because personally for me the pace is sooo.... very slow. It's already on Chapter 11 and the most you get is a kiss on the cheek with X, not to mention X is still fooling around even if they already realized their feelings toward MC. I was thinking on getting the side stories but I'm worried they wouldn't live up to my expectations. 🙄
Had the 'misfortune' of playing it and I have to say it. If you like men, then this story is not for you.
So, we'll start with Gabriel which become a sadistic a*shole because you didn't told him your name in the beginning, and our mc is forced to talk to him and some moments because the mc is a "doormat pushover until the 'big reveal' after" type, because the dev wanted us to play as a 'character', not us (no wonder the choices were so limited).

Then there's Milo and his 'dead' lover Mal, they are one of the poly options here. Mal will not appear most of the time in the game so we'll ignore him a little for now, Milo is lying piece of shite who will mortally endanger you in the near end, and then he rips out a part of you, which leaves you vulnerable for the Baron of Gems to REALLY **** you up. Our MC don't even belongs to their relationship, just a third wheel.
At least we have a 'platonic' route that worked better than in Wayhaven, who just cut the content and that's that.


Well-known member
Had the 'misfortune' of playing it and I have to say it. If you like men, then this story is not for you.
So, we'll start with Gabriel which become a sadistic a*shole because you didn't told him your name in the beginning, and our mc is forced to talk to him and some moments because the mc is a "doormat pushover until the 'big reveal' after" type, because the dev wanted us to play as a 'character', not us (no wonder the choices were so limited).

Then there's Milo and his 'dead' lover Mal, they are one of the poly options here. Mal will not appear most of the time in the game so we'll ignore him a little for now, Milo is lying piece of shite who will mortally endanger you in the near end, and then he rips out a part of you, which leaves you vulnerable for the Baron of Gems to REALLY **** you up. Our MC don't even belongs to their relationship, just a third wheel.
At least we have a 'platonic' route that worked better than in Wayhaven, who just cut the content and that's that.
I'm a straight man and honestly I just hate them, there are many other IFs that are actually amazing and I'm very happy I found them. I rate A Tale of Crowns a zero same with The Night Market.


Well-known member
So i love the Wayhaven saga but does anyone else miss Murphy? None of the villains from book 2 or 3 have been on his level, i could even call them boring cofcofsincofcof

I guess that's why im so looking forward to book 4 and finally meeting auntie lol
I have been wondering if we will meet him again lol, I kinda hope we do, but we're getting a new villain romance in book 4. Unless you're a Patreon she won't get back to you 😔 but such is life. If you got money you get special benefits lmao. But yeah I want to meet him again.

juno . ⊹ ˖

Well-known member
night market. the male ROs suck. your options are either

- milo, a guy whos still in love with his ex and tells you only after you guys get intimate about half way into the book, that you either have to let him date other people or he won't be with you. the poly isn't even optional. I feel like the author should've introduced milos ex sooner and have milo tell us from the get go that he wont be monogamous with you (dont quote me on that if the author did warn us, i cant remember if milo told us sooner or not.) that romance is waste of time as a whole if you're a monogamous individual. even worse with the BS milo pulls.

or you can choose
- gabriel, a gov't guy who is honestly so annoying i cant even stand reading about him. thats all. hes actually pretty chill if you ignore the constant attitude you get from him (and not in a good way) but i dont even think you can officially date him in book 1? unless im wrong but i dont remember


Going against the grain but Infamous disappointmented me – not because it isn't good – but because everyone hypes it up as if it is the pinnacle of angst and emotions but that seems to be true only for 7 likers. XD I played through it and didn't care much about 7 so it all felt very anticlimactic since everyone speaks so highly of it. It's good but it didn't make me fall head over heels for it.


Well-known member
Going against the grain but Infamous disappointmented me – not because it isn't good – but because everyone hypes it up as if it is the pinnacle of angst and emotions but that seems to be true only for 7 likers. XD I played through it and didn't care much about 7 so it all felt very anticlimactic since everyone speaks so highly of it. It's good but it didn't make me fall head over heels for it.
I'm deeply against ANY game that condones cheating of any kind and I will never play Infamous again. At first before I knew anything I liked it now that I know, never again. But I did like seven lol.