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Stories that left you disappointed for a reason


Arcadie: Second Born - Apart from the fact that the author basically lied about the plot of the game - "you will be able to rule alongside your sister or oppose her" - the sister dies two pages into the game after the demo ends.
I'm so disappointed that I bought it lol.
Looking at it now, other than quite good romance with Cyril (and maybe Will) there's no much substance.
The game doesn't feel like a game, I don't remember stats even having any impact on game outcomes.


New member
Oh my god I didn't know about asterius ending. I don't understand it, how come MC is evil? I only know that MC made Asterius and fall in love in them. Then the MC made some kind of game or virtual space where it's possible to meet these characters (cmiiw). What's so evil about that? I genuinely don't understand

Well they are multiple points about what made the MC evil (according to the author)
First you got the fact that they made a AI just to make money of them which is kinda mess up, not enough to make them evil but I doubt anyone is going to say that creating a being as smart as a human just to use them as a tool is moral.
Then you have the MC being complicit In the existence of Len and I am not saying this because I hate all Len did in the endings I saw or the fact that my favorite ending is the one where you subject him to experience his worst nightmare no I am saying this despite all of that, just think about it they create a living being who Is incapable of felling happiness contentment or any sort of positive feelings and their first act is to torture it for years all to make it ready for a bunch of people to kill it over and over again and when it asks to be allowed to die it gets told they are removing his memories before making him go thought it all over again. And while the MC did not make Len he did benefit of his suffering while ignoring it , so that definitely evil.
And last of the general points you have the MC completely abandoning reality to go live in their fantasy world and while I don't belive this to be evil (unhealthy maybe but not evil) the game does and it is not subtle about this, your poet friend ( I forgot his name ) tells you he can't believe you did that, and almost everything bad that happens in the last chapter is thanks to writing the code that erases your memory. But you did all that and still can redeem yourself so let us talk about something truly unforgivable romancing Asterius, what is so bad about that ? You may ask I let the author explain it.
With Asterius, there is no way that the player could ever have a healthy relationship with them. I always saw Asterius more as the lead designer’s child than anything else. I didn’t write them with the intention that players would become romantically attached to them. More that, just like with Len’s story, that they start the romance story and begin to realise it feels off. The Len story isn’t meant to be romantic. The Asterius story isn’t meant to be romantic. They are vessels there to serve you. It’s a tragedy that Asterius never saw the horror in that. Len did. Asterius was the one who before the game started, desperately wanted to run the memory loss executable on you, in the hopes that you might love them at last, if you forgot your duty of care towards them. To Asterius, the ‘good ending’ is keeping you away from the real world forever, so that the fantasy never has to end. The best thing for the two of you is to be separated. Or even for Asterius, Len, everyone to be deactivated. None of them should really have to live the life they do.

Suffice to say I disagree with a lot of this so let me Procede with why I belive this, point by point (I didn't write all this to quit halfway thought)

Asterius as the lead designer’s child

even ignoring the differences between having a child and creating an AI this has two flaws first if you romance Asterius no one will treat you as if you were dating your child instead they will treat you as if were dating a celebrity and couldn't let the public know because the fans will get angry or something like that, and while I have said that the people working with you aren't very moral (considering they at the very least ignore everything to do with Len) i doubt they all are going to be so comfortable as to completely ignore it, so where are the massive relationship drops and the other characters judging you ? And this should be there because if you are going to write about incest you should treat the topic seriously not just go yeah the relationship won't work because they are related, you should show why it won't work, anything else is just bad writing. And this kinda leds to my second point does she really wants to be that writer that wrote half a game about a parent and child with amnesia sleeping together ? (and I don't mean platonically)
Because she knew about their relationship and still wrote a seemingly normal romance only to come out with the incest right at the end and I dont think i have to explain why tricking people into reading incest is pretty bad. So i think considering this two points one can see why it is best not to think of Asterius as the MC child

I didn’t write them with the intention that players would become romantically attached to them.
More that, just like with Len’s story, that they start the romance story and begin to realise it feels off. The Len story isn’t meant to be romantic. The Asterius story isn’t meant to be romantic.

So this a lie, you call your characters Ultimate Video Game Fanservice Vampire
And Ultimate Video Game ‘Best Girl’ Waifu and you are telling me you aren't intending for players to get romantic with them ?. Now it is true that this was created as some elaborate trap but traps are made for people to fall in them so the point still stands. And let's not forget that not romancing anyone will just throw you with the people who romance Asterius with maybe some different lines (but all the same endings) so she made a game that isn't intended for romance but the only way to win it is romance one of the characters , that makes sense.

They are vessels there to serve you. It’s a tragedy that Asterius never saw the horror in that. Len did.

While I agree that Asterius creation was mess up and way worse than that in Len case, that doesn't change the fact that if you want to treat them as people and not a object that means acknowledging their choices be that they rebel against their role or accept it, but no anyone who is happy with their lives is not a person. Asterius is the most complete AI being capable of experiencing both negative and positive feelings unlike Len who can only experience the former yet the author considers them less of a person because happy people are sheep or something (now who is the one being shallow ?) Even the game recognizes them as a person with Asterius being capable of killing you against all their programing, but the author forgets about it why ? Because if you use your free will in a way that goes with other people plans then you don't have one.

Asterius was the one who before the game started, desperately wanted to run the memory loss executable on you, in the hopes that you might love them at last, if you forgot your duty of care towards them. To Asterius, the ‘good ending’ is keeping you away from the real world forever, so that the fantasy never has to end.

And yet that not what they did after all if they had done that there will have been some people who would been happy with that ending and rewarding them for making the wrong choice ? Perish that thought.

The best thing for the two of you is to be separated. Or even for Asterius, Len, everyone to be deactivated. None of them should really have to live the life they do.

And here is some more about how they don't have the capacity to decide what to make with their lives and one comment about how Asterius should be murdered rather than being allow to be happy so at least the explains why there Isn't a good ending with Asterius after all the len good ending requires that you recognize him as a person something the author could not even conceive with Asterius much less write about.
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Well-known member
The Len story isn’t meant to be romantic. The Asterius story isn’t meant to be romantic. .
I havent played the game because of the controversy around it and i didnt like the writing but this is complete BS. why would you make those two an ro if their relationship isn't supposed to be romantic? what. Makes no sense. Thats like deceiving your audience if they have always been advertised as one from the beginning. 😭
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Well-known member
We can preach and screech all day about the characters of Don't Wake Me Up, but in the end, my money's gone and the ones that bought it too.
All I asked for was a Sword Art Online-esque experience with references, battles, fluffy moments and friendship. Because I'm an attractive nerd and that's still not enough to get me many real friends once they hear the sentence "nerd".
Because the nerds have been systematically genocided from all political spectrums of society in all countries.

Maybe I should just write my own Don't Wake Me Up, sell it to you all, and be done with the headache...
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Active member
Infamous: It's overhyped and underwhelming. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but it's really just okay or decent to me. "This story is so angsty!" Nah, I find it more frustrating because no matter what you do the story forces you to be the bad guy and the punching bag.

-You're already screwed from the beginning because G decided to act like a parent who peaked in highschool and is now trying to vicariously live through their child. So now even though YOU didn't cheat, you technically did and everyone was right.

-You're forced into being the leader and being responsible for the band, so now when things go wrong it's your fault.

-The game repeatedly tries to drive in the idea that you're better than your bandmates and could make it on your own, but of course not everyone is ego-tripping like that. So now the game forces you into scenarios where you receive better treatment than your friends, so you can look like a d*ck who left your friends behind even if that's not what you want.

-It doesn't matter how you treat Seven. You'll always be the bad guy to them and all these characters pity them while overlooking the fact that Seven is being insane and obsessive.

-The other characters demonizing you for being "enigmatic" and not emoting or voicing your opinion is already crazy to me, but then they portray you as a manipulator when you do express yourself. Like what do you want from me?

-G (and Victoria) once again screws you over by forcing you to go out in public with them, despite both of them being in the industry long enough to know what will happen. G is the bigger issue because why would you want to be seen together when everyone is accusing us of cheating and YOU in fact did cheat and rig the competition??

-Maya getting aged down to 16 and the game reinforcing that you should keep your distance from her because it's inappropriate is just setting off grooming allegation alarms in my head, but like of course you're going to be near Maya if you're trying to bang her hot dad??? Can't even date a DILF without catching a case.

-Speaking of Maya, I was expecting there to be really mean options because that's what everyone was saying on tumblr, but all the mean options for people who actually deserve it are just catty or stereotypical mean girl quips. I think the character who gets the meanest responses from you is Maya which is weird because she's literally just a minor who's crime was being a annoying fangirl. It's not even "this behavior is innapropriate" responses, you're just being super rude to a fan who helped your online presence and community.

Anyways, making every decision to avoid a specific outcome just to get railroaded into it and portrayed as a d*ck is actually just super annoying and not angsty at all.
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kecap asin

Well-known member
I cannot stand seven at all after the third chapter. Like after the whole G shitshow, seven confront mc saying stuff like "I defended you, don't make me look stupid" like huh?? Why you turn everything about YOU? And MC cannot even say anything to respond to that whack *** comment.
It's probably way of author potray Seven to have bad choice of words, but my god it just so entitle and selfish.
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Well-known member
Infamous, intriguing plot, but it's obvious how much the author favors Seven. My MC can't seem to avoid him, no matter what choice I make. I don't see any appeal to him or what others see about him that makes him so desirable. He is a man child who already labels us as villains, even though my MC does not vote him out and does not vote for him as a backup singer. He is still hostile, and his side kick Avina gosh creepy yandere. Personally, I would rather deal with Blake anytime. Sorry for the rambling

kecap asin

Well-known member
Infamous aside, Crown of Ashes and Flames is giving me major ick.

Imo the whole child marriage thing is so unnecessarly to include in a story. And for what? To taunt MC's sister that may or may not still alive or kill the king's wife?
Why not make mc a prisoner or something like that. Feel less gross that child marriage. (Albeit no romance between mc and the king, thank GOD for that).

And not a single backlash from the people when the king literally wiped out the entire royal family. No rebels?? Not a single person who symphatize?? Everyone just readly on king side and treat MC like worthless peace of sht even though they were the victim.

And dont get me started with the whole the king x the supposedly father figure for the mc. The story really tried to convince you that the Knight who is present when he killed MC entire family, now feel remorse and tried to be your dad, while also catching feeling with the King who kill your entire family?

And again, whats the point of getting revenge on your dead wife, marry a literal child, and killing the entire family of the child if you just gonna move on and woo your own knight???

Overall, it's too messy. So many unnecessarly action is done without a proper reason/explanation.


Active member
And dont get me started with the whole the king x the supposedly father figure for the mc. The story really tried to convince you that the Knight who is present when he killed MC entire family, now feel remorse and tried to be your dad, while also catching feeling with the King who kill your entire family?

And again, whats the point of getting revenge on your dead wife, marry a literal child, and killing the entire family of the child if you just gonna move on and woo your own knight???

Ugh. This. All of this. The romance between the king and the knight had me done. It made everything pointless. Like why put this innocent kid through all of this and go down in history as the weirdo with the child bride/groom for your dead wife when you were just gonna move on like that?? So annoying.

Also, I just find all of the ROs rather forgettable and lacking tbh. I think the king and MC unfortunately had a more interesting dynamic/relationship (platonic) with the mutual hatred and banter than MC did with the ROs :/.


Infamous, intriguing plot, but it's obvious how much the author favors Seven. My MC can't seem to avoid him, no matter what choice I make. I don't see any appeal to him or what others see about him that makes him so desirable. He is a man child who already labels us as villains, even though my MC does not vote him out and does not vote for him as a backup singer. He is still hostile, and his side kick Avina gosh creepy yandere. Personally, I would rather deal with Blake anytime. Sorry for the rambling
Seven is literally every toxic and bitter ex-friend I've ever had the displeasure of knowing, yet they're worshipped and propped up on the highest pedestal by the fandom and the author herself. Will never ever see the charm of that character. A shame we're forced to interact with him/think about him in literally every scene, because otherwise I like the story. Wish Orion/Oriana got more attention though

kecap asin

Well-known member
Seven is literally every toxic and bitter ex-friend I've ever had the displeasure of knowing, yet they're worshipped and propped up on the highest pedestal by the fandom and the author herself. Will never ever see the charm of that character. A shame we're forced to interact with him/think about him in literally every scene, because otherwise I like the story. Wish Orion/Oriana got more attention though
Blake is more likeable than seven tbh. And THEY were supposed to be written as antagonist.
Blake at least acknowladge mc's tallent. They simply find everything amusing, but not make every chance to get under mc's skin.
Unlike Seven who immediately go on pissy mode, constantly blaming the mc. All of the action that seemingly make him good, all done off scene (a.k.a the 'defending' mc from allegation thingy). They are simply unlikeable. Dunno how you redeem such a character tbh.

kecap asin

Well-known member
Ugh. This. All of this. The romance between the king and the knight had me done. It made everything pointless. Like why put this innocent kid through all of this and go down in history as the weirdo with the child bride/groom for your dead wife when you were just gonna move on like that?? So annoying
It's true that they will not become official if mc does not approve, but it shouldn't be an option on the first place??
It still come out as if the king is so EASY to move on to someone else or fall in love with someone else when he did such a horrible thing just to evange his dead wife. Like what's the point then??
If the point is to make the King to be absolute hypocrite fool, then it's better to erase the marriage part all together. So many better option than that.
Like idk, maybe turn mc into soldier who is given task to hunt their own sister or something. Anything is more drama worthy than a literal ChILd MaRriAgE.


Seven is probably the only character with the potential to knock Ava off the throne as the most overrated RO in the community.Romancing Seven makes the MC seem like a low-esteem masochist, while romancing Ava at this point in Book 3 comes across as sexual harassment.

Sadly, I have to agree with this. Not gonna lie, I'm a fan of Infamous and played just for 7. But up to now, I am very tired of their plot.
It's as if, if I want 7 to come back, MC has to become an unworthy person, begging for forgiveness. If don't follow that path, the choices will force MC to become a spiteful a** & bitter toward 7.

P.S: I know 7 was created with the twisted mentality of a child, but using past suffering to justify behavior is still wrong. When you constantly insult someone who try to be nice to you, sorry to use this word, but that’s quite "uneducated".
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Active member
I think seven is fun to pursue if you have the equal amount of bitterness as him 😂 it's like reading a fight between two elementary school students. While being on the topic of childishness. I really want to call out seven for calling us "childish" when he's literally the one who acts like a child this entire time. Post breakup seven povs often gloat about him being more mature than mc. When I read that, I was like really seven? You need to take a good look in the mirror.
I still like infamous tho, I like playing as ambitious mc. I want to see them burned out from continuously exerting themself chasing their dreams especially in that kind of industry. And I want to see them rise again with a new hope. I hope the author will give us something like that


Well-known member
Infamous: It's overhyped and underwhelming. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but it's really just okay or decent to me. "This story is so angsty!" Nah, I find it more frustrating because no matter what you do the story forces you to be the bad guy and the punching bag.

-You're already screwed from the beginning because G decided to act like a parent who peaked in highschool and is now trying to vicariously live through their child. So now even though YOU didn't cheat, you technically did and everyone was right.

-You're forced into being the leader and being responsible for the band, so now when things go wrong it's your fault.

-The game repeatedly tries to drive in the idea that you're better than your bandmates and could make it on your own, but of course not everyone is ego-tripping like that. So now the game forces you into scenarios where you receive better treatment than your friends, so you can look like a d*ck who left your friends behind even if that's not what you want.

-It doesn't matter how you treat Seven. You'll always be the bad guy to them and all these characters pity them while overlooking the fact that Seven is being insane and obsessive.

-The other characters demonizing you for being "enigmatic" and not emoting or voicing your opinion is already crazy to me, but then they portray you as a manipulator when you do express yourself. Like what do you want from me?

-G (and Victoria) once again screws you over by forcing you to go out in public with them, despite both of them being in the industry long enough to know what will happen. G is the bigger issue because why would you want to be seen together when everyone is accusing us of cheating and YOU in fact did cheat and rig the competition??

-Maya getting aged down to 16 aof the game reinforcing that you should keep your distance from her because it's inappropriwonothing, st setting off grooming allegation alarms in my head, but like of course you're going to be near Maya if you're trying to bang her hot dad??? Canchanges. date a DILF without catching a case.

-Speaking of Maya, I was expecting there to be really mean options because that's what everyone was saying on tumblr, but all the mean options for people who actually deserve it are just catty or stereotypical mean girl quips. I think the character who gets the meanest responses from you is Maya which is weird because she's literally just a minor who's crime was being a annoying fangirl. It's not even "this behavior is innapropriate" responses, you're just being super rude to a fan who helped your online presence and community.

Anyways, making every decision to avoid a specific outcome just to get railroaded into it and portrayed as a d*ck is actually just super annoying and not angsty at all.
I hate that IF and the fact that more promising WIPs (like Twisted Scene) are dead while this has gained popularity. How it's possible that doesn't bother anyone that MC is damn pathetic doormat in this story? Also, because the author clearly favors ROs, I honestly doubt MC will ever go from 'infamous' to 'famous'.

No any other interactive game I played gave me so much negative emotions - constant feeling of being worthless and that your music means nothing, all hate, because your band is an intruder, being a pawn in the dramas of celebrities, tolerating toxic ex friend (oh, how talented and great and hot they are~ You, the reader, should begging them for attention, although you will only get insults) who hate you as if you were guilty of murder or something equally terrible...

Dare to suggest any improvements or changes on Tumblr. Fanatics of this game would execute you.
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