Long post warning.
Rant time.
Like I'm reading some of the comments on here and they reminded me of something I seen like a year or 2 ago regarding infamous and its popularity. I remember seeing people say "twisted scene" was better. And almost in a sense that infamous didnt deserve the popularity it got. Which isnt true its literal reading room for all these wips. If its meant its meant if it didnt happen it didn't happen trashing another if isnt going to magically make the one you like get popular.
So at the time I checked it out and imo it really isn't better. And that's not me saying it's bad they just satisfy two different things. Infamous the drama side and twisted scene I believe leaned more into the music side.
Alrighty the real comment.
Honestly I said this before but sevens plot for hating us makes no sense. I have felt this way since the beginning and even throughout the chapter revisions.
Like It kinda makes sense if you chose to vote against him but if you don't it just seems like a plot point for tension instead of it being a legitimate reason. Seven in my route gets all in his feelings and says that my character sat there and "let it happen" like dude it wasn't a plot (or was it?...)for people to be after you. He's that type of person that if we are all friends and coincidentally we all did one thing without him now all of sudden it's a mfing coup against them.
I have a real life experience with a person like this and it's annoying to deal with. But whatever seven blames the mc for somehow not telepathically interfering with our band mates decision do a vote. It's stupid and childish.
And spade a spade taking this to the real world I could see how the vote would be jarring to deal with but this is literally a prime example of why you don't go into buisness with friends.(atleast if people can't handle certain decisions) The decision that was made ultimately was a good one for both the mc and seven. It showed seven that he could be something on his own without his high-school friends. And it showed that the reason for the vote was valid in a way since they gain alot of popularity and support with the move of having our mc be the main singer. It's one of the things where I agree with what seven said. (his delivery was ****ed up though). They were better without each other. Unfortunately fortunately.
What really drives home the "childish" thing is the fact that if you try to be the bigger person seven tries to pretend like he's "healed" and "above it all" but every chance he gets he says some ****ed up **** or doesn't actually deal with it. He's all bark and no bite. Always running when my mc is literally there to address it and genuinely move on.
Spoiler but it's a choice that you can ask seven basically why didnt he speak up and say anything for his self and this mfer gonna say something like "he didn't think he would have to". Yeah sorry to ms.author but that's some bullshit. That confirms that his motive for being angry and leaving atm really isn't that deeply developed. Its surface level and is more so for plot purposes.
So I think maybe a better plot point could be partially whats already there but leaning more into the mc being pushed on a pedestal more so than seven. So what I'm saying is the plot point of voting him out could be more valid if there was an acknowledgement of the pushing of the mc to be the face of the band/leader. Which would be in opposition to seven in a sense. Does that make sense?
Which leads me to this. Have yall been peeping how since the beginning it's been kinda setting our mc up for going solo?

....From griffin saying stuff, to the fact that the band got more popular when it was us singing by ourselves, to some of the choices being like "f the band I'm worrying about me",(spoiler) to the executives when we were trying to get signed saying that stuff about our mc being solo. It's setting us up to almost do what seven thought we did but us actually doing it to the whole band...Like I said earlier somethings are better separately I'm just wondering how writing wise this is going to be navigated in the future....Because its gonna be messssyyyy.
Our actions are seemingly starting to have consequences which is what I been ready for since the beginning. (Spolier) I mean that part with viktor reading everybody had me shook. Because realistically my mc and griffin are lowkey cheating. Like that affair **** be so "cute" until real life hit that ***. So to have somebody call it out was refreshing in a way. Because yall know how some authors get.
But griffins response to mc after all this had me even more shook....
And I could really say alot about avina but I just hope that some of the side story stuff bleeds into the main story because that mfer is crazy and I would like my mc to have a legitimate reason to be " mean" towards them without people thinking we are just a jealous ex bully. (I mean you can be that but my mc isnt). Like some of avinas inner thoughts are oversteeping and i would like for some of that to be in the main story. And with seven getting angry at our mc rolling their eyes and making avina feel embarrassed I can already see the narrative forming.
The author and this story has so much potential. But I will say the fandoms skewed likeness for some of the characters is gonna cause issues in the future...