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Stories that left you disappointed for a reason


Well-known member
Do you really believe that? 🤨 🤔 I am honestly amazed xD Because it is clear that from the beginning of the game the author's attitude is rather unfair towards MC (i.e. the reader).
I dunno, i mean it's still 3/20 chapters so... I still can't give any concrete opinion abt 7 yet, but at the same time, they really need char development arc asap to stop being childish. Considering Avina is also tried to steer 7 away from their problems with MC, my give and take, we might see "New 7" at 10-15 chapters


Well-known member
I dunno, i mean it's still 3/20 chapters so... I still can't give any concrete opinion abt 7 yet, but at the same time, they really need char development arc asap to stop being childish. Considering Avina is also tried to steer 7 away from their problems with MC, my give and take, we might see "New 7" at 10-15 chapters
Tbh I don't know how you make characters like 7 and avina become healthy towards the end. I am very curious to how the author handles them and their relationship because the only way I can see them getting better is through therapy lol

Even G seems wayy more redeemable than those two to me. I would really like to see their development but sigh, infamous is beginning to lose its appeal for me. I don't think I will survive till chapter 10-15. 😂

Infamous has potential but it has the issue of being "too much" at times. It serves you more than what you can chew but ig that's the purpose.


Well-known member
Even G seems wayy more redeemable than those two to me.
It's Blake for me. They just straight up tell you they are the cause of your misery and actually felt bad abt it. They even told the mc that 7 isn't worth pursuing and suggested it should be them instead (maybe bcuz I played a nice MC) but that was refreshing. For someone who's supposed to be your enemy, it doesn't feel like it at all


Well-known member
It's Blake for me. They just straight up tell you they are the cause of your misery and actually felt bad abt it. They even told the mc that 7 isn't worth pursuing and suggested it should be them instead (maybe bcuz I played a nice MC) but that was refreshing. For someone who's supposed to be your enemy, it doesn't feel like it at all
Blake is a very nuanced and reasonable character! I liked them from the beginning and I am glad to see them finally getting the much deserved praise lolol


Well-known member
I dunno, i mean it's still 3/20 chapters so... I still can't give any concrete opinion abt 7 yet, but at the same time, they really need char development arc asap to stop being childish. Considering Avina is also tried to steer 7 away from their problems with MC, my give and take, we might see "New 7" at 10-15 chapters
You know, some people create interactive games to show off their favourite OCs. I can think about finished games where so-called 'main character' was overshadowed by other characters all the time.

Anyway. When the game will be finished and you read the last chapter, let me know if MC got some love after all the humiliation xD
Maybe I'll read it (yeah, right).


Active member
I cannot stand seven at all after the third chapter. Like after the whole G shitshow, seven confront mc saying stuff like "I defended you, don't make me look stupid" like huh?? Why you turn everything about YOU? And we cannot even say anything to respond to that whack *** comment.
It's probably way of author potray Seven to have bad choice of words, but my god it just so entitle and selfish, like we supposed to symphatize with them?
This moment is going to become even more annoying because you already know that when G gets exposed for the cheating situation, Seven is going to make it about them like "Wow, I can't believe I defended you. You made me look like an idiot 😠"


Well-known member
You know, some people create interactive games to show off their favourite OCs. I can think about finished games where so-called 'main character' was overshadowed by other characters all the time.
Hmm. I have to agree on this. The other characters are so well written that the infamous mc feels bland and insignificant at times. No shade, but from what I can gather, I feel like that is going to be the case with the IF even towards the end. ( I would be delightfully surprised if I am proven wrong) The mc isn't the only character that is going to grow. In terms of personal and professional life, all the characters have something to deal with. But for me, the issue is, I don't care about the side characters' life. This is the main character and I want to know about them. No, I don't care about Seven's band getting popular.
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Active member
Hmm. I have to agree on this. The other characters are so well written that the infamous mc feels bland and insignificant at times. No shade, but from what I can gather, I feel like that is going to be the case with the IF even towards the end. ( I would be delightfully surprised if I am proven wrong) The mc isn't the only character that is going to grow. In terms of personal and professional life, all the characters have something to deal with. But for me, the issue is, I don't care about the side characters' life. This is the main character and I want to know about them. No, I don't care about Seven's band getting popular.
THIS! I couldn't agree more. I feel like, infamous mc has an interesting personality but it's only shown through their inner voices. I can only feel MC as a character when their parents are involved. Because that's the only time I feel like there's an interaction between the MC and other characters. It's strange because the parents are supposed to be bad, but I feel like they're the only one who makes MC feels "alive". They're the ones who makes MC feels like they belong in the infamous universe. I don't know how to explain it tho, I need to read infamous sum more to make a coherent ranting 😂


Well-known member
THIS! I couldn't agree more. I feel like, infamous mc has an interesting personality but it's only shown through their inner voices. I can only feel MC as a character when their parents are involved. Because that's the only time I feel like there's an interaction between the MC and other characters. It's strange because the parents are supposed to be bad, but I feel like they're the only one who makes MC feels "alive". They're the ones who makes MC feels like they belong in the infamous universe. I don't know how to explain it tho, I need to read infamous sum more to make a coherent ranting 😂
There is a demo for Press Play WIP that only contains prologue and pt. 1 of chapter 1 but this MC feels like real person and is more interesting than MC in the Infamous, lol.


Well-known member
Long post warning.

Rant time.

Like I'm reading some of the comments on here and they reminded me of something I seen like a year or 2 ago regarding infamous and its popularity. I remember seeing people say "twisted scene" was better. And almost in a sense that infamous didnt deserve the popularity it got. Which isnt true its literal reading room for all these wips. If its meant its meant if it didnt happen it didn't happen trashing another if isnt going to magically make the one you like get popular.

So at the time I checked it out and imo it really isn't better. And that's not me saying it's bad they just satisfy two different things. Infamous the drama side and twisted scene I believe leaned more into the music side.

Alrighty the real comment.

Honestly I said this before but sevens plot for hating us makes no sense. I have felt this way since the beginning and even throughout the chapter revisions.

Like It kinda makes sense if you chose to vote against him but if you don't it just seems like a plot point for tension instead of it being a legitimate reason. Seven in my route gets all in his feelings and says that my character sat there and "let it happen" like dude it wasn't a plot (or was it?...)for people to be after you. He's that type of person that if we are all friends and coincidentally we all did one thing without him now all of sudden it's a mfing coup against them.

I have a real life experience with a person like this and it's annoying to deal with. But whatever seven blames the mc for somehow not telepathically interfering with our band mates decision do a vote. It's stupid and childish.

And spade a spade taking this to the real world I could see how the vote would be jarring to deal with but this is literally a prime example of why you don't go into buisness with friends.(atleast if people can't handle certain decisions) The decision that was made ultimately was a good one for both the mc and seven. It showed seven that he could be something on his own without his high-school friends. And it showed that the reason for the vote was valid in a way since they gain alot of popularity and support with the move of having our mc be the main singer. It's one of the things where I agree with what seven said. (his delivery was ****ed up though). They were better without each other. Unfortunately fortunately.🤷🏾‍♀️

What really drives home the "childish" thing is the fact that if you try to be the bigger person seven tries to pretend like he's "healed" and "above it all" but every chance he gets he says some ****ed up **** or doesn't actually deal with it. He's all bark and no bite. Always running when my mc is literally there to address it and genuinely move on.

Spoiler but it's a choice that you can ask seven basically why didnt he speak up and say anything for his self and this mfer gonna say something like "he didn't think he would have to". Yeah sorry to ms.author but that's some bullshit. That confirms that his motive for being angry and leaving atm really isn't that deeply developed. Its surface level and is more so for plot purposes.

So I think maybe a better plot point could be partially whats already there but leaning more into the mc being pushed on a pedestal more so than seven. So what I'm saying is the plot point of voting him out could be more valid if there was an acknowledgement of the pushing of the mc to be the face of the band/leader. Which would be in opposition to seven in a sense. Does that make sense?

Which leads me to this. Have yall been peeping how since the beginning it's been kinda setting our mc up for going solo?👀....From griffin saying stuff, to the fact that the band got more popular when it was us singing by ourselves, to some of the choices being like "f the band I'm worrying about me",(spoiler) to the executives when we were trying to get signed saying that stuff about our mc being solo. It's setting us up to almost do what seven thought we did but us actually doing it to the whole band...Like I said earlier somethings are better separately I'm just wondering how writing wise this is going to be navigated in the future....Because its gonna be messssyyyy.

Our actions are seemingly starting to have consequences which is what I been ready for since the beginning. (Spolier) I mean that part with viktor reading everybody had me shook. Because realistically my mc and griffin are lowkey cheating. Like that affair **** be so "cute" until real life hit that ***. So to have somebody call it out was refreshing in a way. Because yall know how some authors get.

But griffins response to mc after all this had me even more shook....

And I could really say alot about avina but I just hope that some of the side story stuff bleeds into the main story because that mfer is crazy and I would like my mc to have a legitimate reason to be " mean" towards them without people thinking we are just a jealous ex bully. (I mean you can be that but my mc isnt). Like some of avinas inner thoughts are oversteeping and i would like for some of that to be in the main story. And with seven getting angry at our mc rolling their eyes and making avina feel embarrassed I can already see the narrative forming.

The author and this story has so much potential. But I will say the fandoms skewed likeness for some of the characters is gonna cause issues in the future...


Well-known member
Long post warning.

Rant time.

Like I'm reading some of the comments on here and they reminded me of something I seen like a year or 2 ago regarding infamous and its popularity. I remember seeing people say "twisted scene" was better. And almost in a sense that infamous didnt deserve the popularity it got. Which isnt true its literal reading room for all these wips. If its meant its meant if it didnt happen it didn't happen trashing another if isnt going to magically make the one you like get popular.

So at the time I checked it out and imo it really isn't better. And that's not me saying it's bad they just satisfy two different things. Infamous the drama side and twisted scene I believe leaned more into the music side.
Meh. I never liked twisted scene. Infamous is better but I do think it's over hyped still. The only reason it is so popular is because

1. it has an ex that still hasn't gotten over you. People eat that **** up. (I don't blame them) Doesn't matter if going on said ex's route involves being treated like a doormat.

2. Better advertising on tumblr than twisted scene.

3. The main reason. It's a celebrity themed IF. Prior to press play, it was the only highly active, drama focused and music themed IF with a demo. All others died on tumblr at the no demo stage. Infamous is doing what nobody else is willing to.

Twisted scenes biggest reason behind it not being popular are the grammatical errors which turned off a lot of people (including me)

I do not think infamous is bad, per se, I enjoy it but it's not as great as everyone describes it to be. Its okay. Its not that angsty. It's just something that leaves me mentally frustrated.
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Active member
Long post warning.

Rant time.

Like I'm reading some of the comments on here and they reminded me of something I seen like a year or 2 ago regarding infamous and its popularity. I remember seeing people say "twisted scene" was better. And almost in a sense that infamous didnt deserve the popularity it got. Which isnt true its literal reading room for all these wips. If its meant its meant if it didnt happen it didn't happen trashing another if isnt going to magically make the one you like get popular.

So at the time I checked it out and imo it really isn't better. And that's not me saying it's bad they just satisfy two different things. Infamous the drama side and twisted scene I believe leaned more into the music side.

Alrighty the real comment.

Honestly I said this before but sevens plot for hating us makes no sense. I have felt this way since the beginning and even throughout the chapter revisions.

Like It kinda makes sense if you chose to vote against him but if you don't it just seems like a plot point for tension instead of it being a legitimate reason. Seven in my route gets all in his feelings and says that my character sat there and "let it happen" like dude it wasn't a plot (or was it?...)for people to be after you. He's that type of person that if we are all friends and coincidentally we all did one thing without him now all of sudden it's a mfing coup against them.

I have a real life experience with a person like this and it's annoying to deal with. But whatever seven blames the mc for somehow not telepathically interfering with our band mates decision do a vote. It's stupid and childish.

And spade a spade taking this to the real world I could see how the vote would be jarring to deal with but this is literally a prime example of why you don't go into buisness with friends.(atleast if people can't handle certain decisions) The decision that was made ultimately was a good one for both the mc and seven. It showed seven that he could be something on his own without his high-school friends. And it showed that the reason for the vote was valid in a way since they gain alot of popularity and support with the move of having our mc be the main singer. It's one of the things where I agree with what seven said. (his delivery was ****ed up though). They were better without each other. Unfortunately fortunately.🤷🏾‍♀️

What really drives home the "childish" thing is the fact that if you try to be the bigger person seven tries to pretend like he's "healed" and "above it all" but every chance he gets he says some ****ed up **** or doesn't actually deal with it. He's all bark and no bite. Always running when my mc is literally there to address it and genuinely move on.

Spoiler but it's a choice that you can ask seven basically why didnt he speak up and say anything for his self and this mfer gonna say something like "he didn't think he would have to". Yeah sorry to ms.author but that's some bullshit. That confirms that his motive for being angry and leaving atm really isn't that deeply developed. Its surface level and is more so for plot purposes.

So I think maybe a better plot point could be partially whats already there but leaning more into the mc being pushed on a pedestal more so than seven. So what I'm saying is the plot point of voting him out could be more valid if there was an acknowledgement of the pushing of the mc to be the face of the band/leader. Which would be in opposition to seven in a sense. Does that make sense?

Which leads me to this. Have yall been peeping how since the beginning it's been kinda setting our mc up for going solo?👀....From griffin saying stuff, to the fact that the band got more popular when it was us singing by ourselves, to some of the choices being like "f the band I'm worrying about me",(spoiler) to the executives when we were trying to get signed saying that stuff about our mc being solo. It's setting us up to almost do what seven thought we did but us actually doing it to the whole band...Like I said earlier somethings are better separately I'm just wondering how writing wise this is going to be navigated in the future....Because its gonna be messssyyyy.

Our actions are seemingly starting to have consequences which is what I been ready for since the beginning. (Spolier) I mean that part with viktor reading everybody had me shook. Because realistically my mc and griffin are lowkey cheating. Like that affair **** be so "cute" until real life hit that ***. So to have somebody call it out was refreshing in a way. Because yall know how some authors get.

But griffins response to mc after all this had me even more shook....

And I could really say alot about avina but I just hope that some of the side story stuff bleeds into the main story because that mfer is crazy and I would like my mc to have a legitimate reason to be " mean" towards them without people thinking we are just a jealous ex bully. (I mean you can be that but my mc isnt). Like some of avinas inner thoughts are oversteeping and i would like for some of that to be in the main story. And with seven getting angry at our mc rolling their eyes and making avina feel embarrassed I can already see the narrative forming.

The author and this story has so much potential. But I will say the fandoms skewed likeness for some of the characters is gonna cause issues in the future...

-Ditto on Seven. The story is trying to portray it as a "they're both in the wrong situation", but that doesn't work currently unless you voted Seven to be back up and go out of your way to be mean to them. I only read secondhand on Tumblr that MC was apparently in the wrong too because they and Seven apparently got drunk and got into an argument, but that doesn't show up and it doesn't matter either because Seven obviously isn't mad about that. Every time Seven mentions the fallout, they always harp on about the vote, not the argument. Seven's blow up and current behavior just seems excessive and unwarranted right now. Especially considering that nobody kicked them out and they immediately turned nasty towards MC instead of talking it out with the people who were supposed to be their closest friends and partner/best friend.

Seven's mental gymnastics to villainize MC are just utterly exhausting at this point. Like haven't they been friends since forever? Wasn't that their best friend/partner at some point? How is Seven going to treat them like this emotionless monster for not outwardly expressing themself when they should've known MC well enough to know better and should know where that behavior stems from??

Then there's the Jazzy situation. In Avina's recent POV, in one option they mentioned that Seven said there was tension among the band, so Jazzy probably got the boot like Seven did. When ?? Neither of those things are true?? And Seven would know this if they picked up their phone because Jazzy literally tried to tell Seven that she was pregnant and leaving the band to focus on her new family, but Seven ignored her. That moment especially pmo because Seven didn't care enough about Jazzy to stay in contact with her despite how much she cared about them, but when the situation makes MC look bad, they're ready to jump in with the "Poor Jazzy, another victim of that heartless MC". It just came off as fake AF.

-Yeah, the story has been really driving in the idea that MC is better than the band and could make it solo, and I'm not particularly liking where things are going with that. Orion only cared about MC's singing and their boss even said they would sign them on if it was just MC, G didn't care about the band and only picked them because of MC, the praise is always directed at MC, the rest of the band mates hype MC up for "carrying them", other characters constantly forget about the rest of the band, MC is given better treatment than them, and the narration constantly tries to push the idea that MC is better than them. In my playthrough, I've been making sure everyone else gets the spotlight and making it clear that the band should be treated fairly, but I fear that the narrative is going to portray MC as a glout goblin who mistreats their friends for drama regardless :/.

-The dramatic shift from the author praising Avina on Tumblr and saying they're Seven's soulmate to Avina randomly becoming an obsessive weirdo towards Seven in their POVs makes me think the author is just trolling at this point or they changed Avina's role to appease Savina haters. But like please, if Avina is allowed to hate on MC without even knowing them, let me do the same!! Not because of their relationship with Seven but because I'm just a hater!! Also, Avina saying that Seven moved on while Seven is cyberstalking MC, listens to all of their releases, and writing songs about them is so delusional of them lol.


-The dramatic shift from the author praising Avina on Tumblr and saying they're Seven's soulmate to Avina randomly becoming an obsessive weirdo towards Seven in their POVs makes me think the author is just trolling at this point or they changed Avina's role to appease Savina haters. But like please, if Avina is allowed to hate on MC without even knowing them, let me do the same!! Not because of their relationship with Seven but because I'm just a hater!! Also, Avina saying that Seven moved on while Seven is cyberstalking MC, listens to all of their releases, and writing songs about them is so delusional of them lol.
I'm sorry, but can you tell me where in the main story or side stories does it explicitly say Seven is cyberstalking MC, listens to all of the band's releases, and writing songs about MC? I don't seem to remember it but then again might be because I tend to just skim any narratives involving Seven. Also, my personal reason for disliking Avina just grows more after reading how they seem 'warm and friendly' toward MC in the bus after the chaos in the bar scene. Like, c'mon dude we both know you hate MC with all your being just because Seven does, no need to be two-faced about it just to drive the point that you're 'better' than MC in front of Seven. *sighs*
Update: didn't the author say something like 'Avina and Seven are soulmates... platonically'
Like? ??? WHat? You mean best friends? Why not just say so? Why do you have to say soulmates while in reality Seven as an ex will likely never move on from MC???
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Well-known member
What really drives home the "childish" thing is the fact that if you try to be the bigger person seven tries to pretend like he's "healed" and "above it all" but every chance he gets he says some ****ed up **** or doesn't actually deal with it. He's all bark and no bite. Always running when my mc is literally there to address it and genuinely move on.
She's basically a tsundere character you could find in typical anime trope. Says A but means B. So whenever 7 says something rude or something that 7 thinks could break MC's heart, I always take it like a grain of salt lol


Active member
I'm sorry, but can you tell me where in the main story or side stories does it explicitly say Seven is cyberstalking MC, listens to all of the band's releases, and writing songs about MC? I don't seem to remember it but then again might be because I tend to just skim any narratives involving Seven. Also, my personal reason for disliking Avina just grows more after reading how they seem 'warm and friendly' toward MC in the bus after the chaos in the bar scene. Like, c'mon dude we both know you hate MC with all your being just because Seven does, no need to be two-faced about it just to drive the point that you're 'better' than MC in front of Seven. *sighs*
Update: didn't the author say something like 'Avina and Seven are soulmates... platonically'
Like? ??? WHat? You mean best friends? Why not just say so? Why do you have to say soulmates while in reality Seven as an ex will likely never move on from MC???

In SevenPOVPart2 they mention that they cyberstalked MC after Cory's comment about enemies to lovers, admit to listening to all the band's releases at least once when you mention that you've written songs about them, and that they have written love songs about MC they keep in their drawer when you say you wrote love songs about them. They also mention that most of their songs are about MC, not just the one that was mentioned in the main game.

I would have more respect for Avina if they were honest about how they felt about MC. Like just say you don’t like MC because they hurt your friend, even though you obviously only got one side of the story lol, don't be fake.

Yeah, the author was saying that they're platonic soulmates and so good for each other lol. Right now it seems less sweet and more like they have a weird codependency thing going on though.


Active member
Well, reading the rants on Infamous was quite interesting and amusing as most of them revolve around Seven and MC😂. I'd say let's wait and let the author cook, if not for the.... somewhat "teenage"-like tone of the story. One could argue that it's intentional: after all most celebrities nowadays are annoying childish adults.


Well-known member
Meh. I never liked twisted scene. Infamous is better but I do think it's over hyped still. The only reason it is so popular is because

1. it has an ex that still hasn't gotten over you. People eat that **** up. Doesn't matter if going on said ex's route involves being treated like a doormat.

2. Better advertising on tumblr than twisted scene.

3. The main reason. It's a celebrity themed IF. Prior to press play, it was the only highly active, drama focused and music themed IF with a demo. All others died on tumblr at the no demo stage. Infamous is doing what nobody else is willing to.

Twisted scenes biggest reason behind it not being popular are the grammatical errors which turned off a lot of people (including me)

I do not think infamous is bad, per se, I enjoy it but it's not as great as everyone describes it to be. Its okay. Its not that angsty. It's just something that leaves me mentally frustrated.

I mean obviously i like infamous but it definitely has its flaws.

At the time when I seen people making comparisons I guess twisted scene hadn't been ruled a dead wip by then. I think it had'nt been updated in months by then. But after reading it i couldn't figure out why people even compared them to begin with. The only thing I remember them having in common is music.

Yeah infamous has drama, consistency and word count in its favor. Ultimately that's why it was well received. It's comparable imo to love and leases, apt 502, and maybe wlgyl. They all give me the same ish vibes but are good in there own ways.


Well-known member
-Ditto on Seven. The story is trying to portray it as a "they're both in the wrong situation", but that doesn't work currently unless you voted Seven to be back up and go out of your way to be mean to them. I only read secondhand on Tumblr that MC was apparently in the wrong too because they and Seven apparently got drunk and got into an argument, but that doesn't show up and it doesn't matter either because Seven obviously isn't mad about that. Every time Seven mentions the fallout, they always harp on about the vote, not the argument. Seven's blow up and current behavior just seems excessive and unwarranted right now. Especially considering that nobody kicked them out and they immediately turned nasty towards MC instead of talking it out with the people who were supposed to be their closest friends and partner/best friend.

Seven's mental gymnastics to villainize MC are just utterly exhausting at this point. Like haven't they been friends since forever? Wasn't that their best friend/partner at some point? How is Seven going to treat them like this emotionless monster for not outwardly expressing themself when they should've known MC well enough to know better and should know where that behavior stems from??

Then there's the Jazzy situation. In Avina's recent POV, in one option they mentioned that Seven said there was tension among the band, so Jazzy probably got the boot like Seven did. When ?? Neither of those things are true?? And Seven would know this if they picked up their phone because Jazzy literally tried to tell Seven that she was pregnant and leaving the band to focus on her new family, but Seven ignored her. That moment especially pmo because Seven didn't care enough about Jazzy to stay in contact with her despite how much she cared about them, but when the situation makes MC look bad, they're ready to jump in with the "Poor Jazzy, another victim of that heartless MC". It just came off as fake AF.

-Yeah, the story has been really driving in the idea that MC is better than the band and could make it solo, and I'm not particularly liking where things are going with that. Orion only cared about MC's singing and their boss even said they would sign them on if it was just MC, G didn't care about the band and only picked them because of MC, the praise is always directed at MC, the rest of the band mates hype MC up for "carrying them", other characters constantly forget about the rest of the band, MC is given better treatment than them, and the narration constantly tries to push the idea that MC is better than them. In my playthrough, I've been making sure everyone else gets the spotlight and making it clear that the band should be treated fairly, but I fear that the narrative is going to portray MC as a glout goblin who mistreats their friends for drama regardless :/.

-The dramatic shift from the author praising Avina on Tumblr and saying they're Seven's soulmate to Avina randomly becoming an obsessive weirdo towards Seven in their POVs makes me think the author is just trolling at this point or they changed Avina's role to appease Savina haters. But like please, if Avina is allowed to hate on MC without even knowing them, let me do the same!! Not because of their relationship with Seven but because I'm just a hater!! Also, Avina saying that Seven moved on while Seven is cyberstalking MC, listens to all of their releases, and writing songs about them is so delusional of them lol.

Like yes, I like the story but I can admit that the plot point with 7 and even the feeling of the mc being treated as doormat is tiresome. And we're only in the beginning of the story so I have "hope" that it changes in the future.

Then that part where you literally ask 7 directly why they didn't voice their feelings the response that was given was soooo stupid and dismissive.

And you know it's funny that 7 knows us enough to trust that we wouldn't cheat but doesn't trust us and know us enough to not have bad feeling towards us because of the vote thing....or at the very least think that it wasn't with ill intentions.....

I didn't know about the jazzy thing.

Honestly though with the whole solo thing I don't think it's inherently a bad thing it just depends on how you navigate it. And honestly I'm giving my band the benefit of the doubt but with how this author writes I wouldn't be surprised if there was no "good way" of going solo. It's gonna be the 7 situation all over again.

And for some reason it seems like that "soul mate" stuff has been purged from the internet because I remember when it happened it was said that "soulmates doesn't mean romantic" or something like that and it was the justification but that still upset people. I hate people that only listen to one side. They be mad based off of what one person said and the whole time that person is a wrong as well.....7. It would be one thing if avina recognized that 7 is human and can in fact do wrong but noooo only the mc does wrong.
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